President Barack Obama has finally admitted the existence of a memo authorizing drone assassinations of American citizens, who he suspects are terrorists. 

(If you are a Christian who believes in the return of Christ and the battle of Armageddon, according to Obama's Homeland Security, you [along with myself] are considered potential terrorists.)

Once upon a time, the United States Presidents were not only sworn to uphold the Constitution of the United States, which includes certain unalienable rights, but they actually upheld the US Constitution.  This president thinks "it needs to be rewritten," according to his own words.  Apparently, his oath to "uphold the Constitution" is just formality to appease the onlookers.  Frankly, I didn't watch...I've seen enough over the last four years.

Obama has decided to release his memo authorizing drone assassinations to Congress, which he previously denied existed, according to Huffington Post.

While only "select members of Congress will have access to the document," there are no plans to make it public.  Well, after all, we are only the citizens of the United States, who supposedly voted Obama into officeWhy in the world would he want to give any of us any real information.  The citizens of this once great nation are now only fit to receive propagandized "bugaboo" information, as it is generously handed out. 

Once upon a time, US citizens had the right to a trial before facing execution, terrorist or not.  Today?  Our president says the Constitution needs to be rewritten and, frankly, he doesn't acknowledge it whenever he feels like it. 

"The right of trial by jury is a fundamental law, made sacred by the Constitution and cannot be legislated away."  According to Senator Richard Henry Lee, the primary purpose of the trial by jury in America was to protect the public from corrupt or aristocratic judges. 

I will add one to that, " protect the public from corrupt, rogue, dictatorial presidents."

We think about drone assassinations in terms of Afghanistan strikes against crazed Al-Qaeda armed terrorists.  Actually, you may be surprised to know that one of the Americans, among three, was a 16-year-old eating his dinner.  A drone killed this boy, without due process, without a trial.  This type of assassination is not an act of war, but murder, plain and simple. 

Jay Carney said that "All of the Obama drone strikes are 'legal, ethical and wise.'"  Nevertheless, they have failed to explain why Abdulrahman al-Alawki was killed by a drone in 2011.  Obama adviser Robert Gibbs said "The boy should have had a more responsible father."  His father was a suspected terrorist.  Worse yet, the son had no connections with terrorism and hadn't lived with his father for more than two years.  This boy was looking for his father the day he was killed, but his father had actually been killed two weeks earlier. 

Let's recap that explanation by the Obama crony one more time (yes, I said 'crony,' not Carney).  He was slaughtered with Obama's approval because he had an "irresponsible father."  Think about that for just a moment - if this was your son - bad father or not. 

We're in a heap of trouble in this day and hour in which we live, folks.  You talk about "perilous times;" we've been in that condition for some time.  The blatant display of assassinations by our current president is unprecedented.  Note, I said blatant; our CIA and FBI officials have been assassinating people since their inception.  Shocked, or disbelieving?  Just do a search on of "CIA assassinations" or "FBI assassinations."  You will find plenty of information.

Alex Jones of was interviewed recently on Huffington Post.  Alex has a wealth of information to give to US citizens, he has many contacts and big supporters, but he lost his temper during that interview and actually went to shouting, "You're in danger...You're in danger!"  before he was finally cut off. 

Our government is so entwined in corruption, Illuminati control (shadow government) that it's hard not to scream, as Alex did, "You're in danger! You're in danger!"  Nevertheless, when we "lose it," we lose credibility; so I will calmly and politely tell you, "You're in danger(!)"

Our rogue president has become so drone happy, killing people because they are suspected terrorists, that I can imagine many people in the world today are saying, "Who is able to make war with him?"

I am not insinuating that Obama is the Antichrist, but it seems about every generation has had a precursor, Stalin, Hitler, Meo Zedong. 

John the Revelator wrote, "They worshiped the dragon (Satan), which gave power to the beast (Antichrist), and they worshiped the beast, saying, 'Who is like the beast.  Who is able to make war with him?'" Revelation 13:4.

Great tribulation is soon to cover the whole earth and we are seeing critical pinnacles of that time period arise in our generation.  Do you see?  Many do not see or perceive the things of the Spirit today.

"Son of man, you dwell in the midst of a rebellious house, who have eyes to see, and see not; they have ears to hear, and hear not, for they are a rebellious house" Ezekiel 12:2. 

By the way, if you have the slightest bit of empathy because of Obamacare, the experts are saying that about 7 million Americans will lose their healthcare under Obamacare.  Yes, because of Obamacare, many are being cut from Medicare and Medical "to make room" for Obamacare, yet, because they are at the poverty level, they won't be able to afford health insurance.  In fact, if you are in that category, you will receive a double whammy - no health insurance and a tax penalty on top of that!

Obamacare also madates "end of life" counseling.  In summary, it's all about telling you that if you are old and sick and "not worth saving," why don't you do us all a favor and consider euthanasia - to save the government money!  It doesn't appear that they are able to squeeze enough out of the poor yet; they intend to squeeze the very life out of the impoverished!

Under Obamacare, a panel of nonmedical staff will decide whether or not you will be able to receive medical treatment.  Beware:  This is being enacted by a progressive, liberal government that already perceives the world as being overpopulated by about 90%. 

"The vile person shall no more be called liberal, nor the churl said to be bountiful; for the vile person will speak villany and his heart will work iniquity, to practice hypocrisy, and to utter error against the Lord, to make empty the soul of the hungry, and he will cause the drink of the thirsty to fail" Isaiah 32:5-6. 

Yes, Isaiah prophesied about the liberals of today over 2,000 years ago!  ...and did you notice, they are considered by God to be vile!

If you can perceive what is coming, it has been given to you by God.  If you can't understand, but would like to have discernment, please visit the How Can I Be Saved page of this website.  God bless you.