"He who winks with the eye causes sorrow..." Proverbs 10:10.   
 WashingtonPost.com by Karen DeYoung (excerpts):  The Obama administration will resume peace talks with the Taliban as soon as Afghan President Hamid Karzai formally blesses the negotiations, according to senior administration officials who indicated that the process could be underway within weeks.  Marc Grossman, the senior US diplomat who shepherded a series of secret US meetings with the insurgents last year, will meet with Karzai late next week to ensure that he is on board, officials said.  "If Karzai were to tell the Obama administration to go ahead, then we'd start talking again," said one of two officials who discussed the secret negotiations on condition of anonymity.  A tentative US-Taliban deal, including the transfer of five Afghan detainees from the Guantanamo Bay prison to Qatar and an insurgent renunciation of international terrorism collapsed in December, when Karzai refused to go along with it.  There have been no meetings with the insurgents since then.  Although all parties have publicly said that they agree to one element of the deal - the opening of a Taliban office in Qatar, "We need now to make it real," one official said.  Prime Minister Hamad bin Jasim al-Thani, for the first time acknowledging Qatar's support for the arrangement, said Wednesday that his government welcomed "any opportunity" to defuse tension in the region.  Thani spoke after a meeting with Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton.  One hurdle is that the Taliban prefers to talk to the United States and is "not willing to sit down with the Afghan government," one official said.  Our job is to see if we can break through that door."  Karzai has been under pressure from domestic opponents of negotiations to stand firm against the talks.  

Commentary:  The fact that our administration would even talk to these mass murdering torturers is outrageous.  This is akin to Harry Truman wanting to sit down and have peace talks with Adolph Hitler and Joseph Stalin.  Apparently, President Barack Obama doesn't see these murderous torturers wild people as real enemies.  Any decent president aligned with the United States and the Constitution would not want to talk peace with Hitler, Stalin or these "towelheads" who are intent on killing us all, except the Muslims.  They have tortured and killed enough people, including over 3,000 of our own citizens in the US, for us to know that we are dealing with the enemy, not anyone our president should want to have "peace talks" with, not unless he is secretly one of them.

Obama is frequently seen "talking with his hands."  His speeches are tainted with hints towards dictatorial government and against Congress and the Constitution of these United States. 

The Bible has information on everything:  "Deliver yourself as a roe from the hand of the hunter and as a bird from the hand of the fowler.  Go to the ant, you sluggard, consider her ways and be wise; which having no guide, overseer, or ruler, provides her meat in the summer and gathers her food in the harvest.  How long will you sleep, oh sluggard?  When will you arise out of your sleep?  Yet, a little sleep, a little slumber, a little folding of the hands to sleep; so will your poverty come as one who travels, and your want as an armed man.  A bad person, a wicked man walks with an opposing mouth.  He winks with his eyes, he speaks with his feet, he teaches with his fingers.  Opposition is in his heart, he devises mischief continually, he sows discord" Proverbs 6:5-14.  The message is "wake up America!"