(excerpts):  The US State Department announced that the Obama administration has agreed to contribute 4 billion to the United Nations Global Fund to fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria from 2011 to 2013.  The 4 billion represents a 38% increase over the previous US commitment to the fund.  United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon said that a total of 11.7 billion has been raised from forty countries, the European Commission, faith-based organizations, private foundations, and various corporations.  This means that OVER ONE-THIRD OF THE MONEY WILL COME FROM THE POCKETS OF US TAX PAYERS.   Oil-rich nations like Saudi Arabia, Abu Dhabi, and the United Arab Emirates contribute next to nothing, and China, which holds most of the US 14 trillion debt, agreed to provide a measly 14 million.  In addition to the annual 1.3 billion to the Global Fund, President Obama has agreed to provide billions more for UN projects.  These allocations are set forth in a 28 page document as follows:

* 63 billion to the Global Health initiative during the next six years

*  1 billion annually to education programs
*  Give 475 million to the Global Agricultural Food Security Program
*  Provide 800 million from the Overseas Private Investment Corporation to Muslim-majority countries in the Middle East and North Africa.  An additional 3.2 billion will be provided by private equity capital sources to these Muslim nations  
*  (Millions) through USAID for developing tech hubs in Uganda, Kenya, Cameroon, South Africa, and Senegal
*  80 million through the Overseas Private Investment Corporation for small to medium enterprises in the Middle East and North Africa
*  2.5 billion annually to 90 countries to "strengthen governance and democratic institutions"
*  Make available 30 billion through Obama's Climate Change Initiative to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.  In addition, 100 billion a year will be provided through taxpayer and private resources to deal with the alleged threat of global climate change  

The United States is assessed at 22% of the UN regular budget and more than 27% for the UN peacekeeping budget.  Obama has requested 516.3 million for the UN regular budget and more than 2.182 billion for the peacekeeping budget for 2011.  The US is also assessed for numerous other UN organizations as well.  More than 6.347 billion went to UN organizations in FY 2009.  The US also provides money to the UN through the State Department, Department of Agriculture, Department of Energy, Department of Health and Human Services, and other agencies.  Andrea Lafferty of the Traditional Values Coalition writes:  "The US taxpayer is forced to pay billions to an inefficient organization run by world leaders who hate America and the free market system.  This doesn't make any sense - nor does our paying 22% of the cost to keep this bureaucracy alive when we have only one vote in the General Assembly."  Several candidates have called for the US to sever its relationship with the UN.  The list includes Dennis Ross, a Republican candidate for Congress from the 12th Congressional District of Florida.  In a statement to The New American, Mr. Ross said:  "An organization that allows nations like Iran and Libya to chair committees dedicated to human and women's rights makes a mockery of both.  The UN, like any bureaucracy, must constantly be evaluated and put to the test, and if found lacking, be dismantled.  I believe the US government is perfectly capable of conducting bilateral and multilateral relations with other nations on our own.  Despots, human rights violators and tyrants should be confronted, not congratulated."  Such concerns over the US involvement with the UN are not new.  Senator Barry Goldwater was quoted in 1971 by the Congressional Record as saying, "The time has come to recognize the UN for the anti-American, anti-Freedom organization that it has become.  The time has come for us to cut off all financial help, withdraw as member, and ask the UN to find a headquarters location outside the United States that is more in keeping with the philosophy of the majority of voting members, someplace like Moscow or Peking."  

My Comments:  I was just getting ready to retire this evening, when I came across the above article on Accuracy in Media.  I was suddenly fired up and I am now finishing up at 2:35 am.  I'm not even tired anymore and my blood seems to be boiling right now.  No wonder Obama is raging against Congress to get his "blank check" for raises to the debt ceiling; he wants to make sure he can continue giving millions and millions of dollars to the UN, who is two-thirds Muslim!  Did you see all of those funds to "Muslim" causes up there on that list?  Great!  Let those radical maniacs come over here and fly planes into our twin towers, pentagon as well as the third hijacked plane, killing 3,000+ citizens AND OUR PRESIDENT GIVES THEM BILLIONS - WHILE WE ARE BANKRUPT NO LESS!  You talk about psychological and economical rape!  We need some strong heads of state, or some people with a huge following, to oust Obama and maybe send him to the Middle East, then we need to pull out of the UN immediately, in order to save our nation from further disaster!  This is insanity.  Iranian president, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, consistently rants and raves that he wants to "kill all of the Jews and wipe Israel off the face of the map," and no one says anything to him about that at the UN!  He is still a member with no sanction!  In fact, those dimwits at the UN have allowed Ahmadinejad to sit on the "Anti-Racism Committee!"  How totally nuts is that??  It is about as crazy as Obama delegating 4 billion to the UN, while threatening to withhold Social Security, disability and veterans checks if he doesn't get his "blank check" from Congress to raise the debt ceiling!  In summary, I can only say this:  "The wisdom of this world is foolishness with God.  It is written, 'He has taken the wise in their own craftiness'" 1 Corinthians 3:19.  The wicked will one day soon stand before God to give an account of every unjust and ungodly deed.