The Blaze (excerpts):  As the clock continues to tick, Republicans and Democrats are still gridlocked in their attempts to reach a comprehensive debt deal.  Earlier today, in an interview that will air tonight, President Barack Obama told CBC News's Scott Peley that there is no guarantee that Social Security checks will be mailed as planned if the two parties do not reach a deal to raise the debt ceiling by the August 2 deadline.  According to CBS News, he said, "I cannot guarantee that those checks go out...if we haven't resolved this issue.  Because there may simply not be the money in the coffers to do it...this is not just a matter of Social Security checks.  These are veterans' checks, these are folks on disability and their checks.  There are about 70 million checks that go out."  Last month, Kentucky Senator Rand Paul took on the president's notion that keeping the debt ceiling at its current level would cause the US to default.  He said, "If Democrats want to spend the money, they need to be honest with the American people and say, 'We've got to borrow 2 trillion because that's what we want to spend,'" Paul said.  "I don't want to spend that much money."  Paul said he is not concerned about the potential consequences of keeping the federal debt ceiling at its current limit.  "Our interest payment is about 20 billion a month," he said.  "Our tax revenue is about 200 billion a month, so we're bringing in nearly 200 billion.  We've got plenty of money to pay our interest." reports that there is more than enough funding to cover entitlement programs.  Specifically the outlet claims that there is enough to cover the combined costs of interest, Medicare, Medicaid, Social Security, Veterans Affairs and federal wages for workers (not to mention insurance benefits).  This information comes via Daily Treasury Statements published by the US Treasury Department.  

My Comments:  Did you notice that Obama said he cannot guarantee that the Social Security, disability and veterans checks will go out?  Instead, he could have said he could not guarantee that he would continue sending troops to ridiculous senseless wars in the Middle East, we currently have no business being involved in (Iraq war will cost 2 trillion), or that you will have space exploration, scientific studies, anti-pollution programs, oh, and grants to Muslim groups like the Aga Khan Foundation, etc, etc,...and a zillion other things that people can truly survive and eat just fine in America without.  He hit at the heart and core of all of us: the pitiful, elderly, disabled...those who none of us - none of us would see suffer!  Really, what do you think about a president and his administration that would starve the poor, aged and our veterans before he would cut ridiculous, stupid things out of the budget?  Very ruthless and unconscionable, I would say.  These devils know that we would do just about anything not to see our elderly parents and grandparents, our disabled parents and grandparents and our veterans, who lay their very lives on the line for us, suffer and go hungry!  They aren't ever going to threaten to cut out needless waste that would save this country trillions of dollars; again, because these evil people are intent on bringing the nation to disaster, so the government rulers and elite can take control of EVERYTHING.  They cannot control you, until you are completely bankrupt and dependent on government.  They have an agenda.  They're not satisfied with all of their pomp, frill, limousines, AND Barack Obama's 700 million dollars for Muslim mosques in the Middle East.  Instead, they want to control everything.  This is exactly how socialist governments come about - read history.  History always repeats itself.  God makes it simple for those who want to understand, to come to an understanding of the tactics that are used by the enemies of our very souls.  The Word of God says, "The thing that has been, is that which will be; and that which is done, is that which will be done; and there is no new thing under the sun" Ecclesiastes 1:9.