Obama's "Red Herring"
Posted by L A on Tuesday, June 25, 2013 Under: Destruction to the United States
As I watched Obama announce his nomination of James Comey to head the FBI, I couldn't help but notice he seemed devastated. In addition to his shaded countenance, James Comey seemed such an unlikely pick for Obama.
James Comey, after all, is a Republican and he has a history of good moral conduct. Unlike Obama's pick of John Holdren for Science Czar, Mr. depopulation himself; Van Jones Green Jobs Czar, the Communist; Carol Browner Climate Change Czar, the Socialist with a capital S; Kevin Jennings 'Safe' Schools Czar, the radical homosexual whose mentor was the famous pedophile-pushing Harry Hay!
Aside from all of his other radically wicked picks, Obama taught "Alinsky Tactics 101" at the University of Chicago. His course was named after Saul Alinsky, Marxist, who wrote the book Rules for Radicals, which he dedicated to Lucifer - yes - satan! It would seem that certainly if Obama earnestly taught the viewpoints of one who dedicated his book to satan, that would be indicative of his same ideology and affiliations.
Getting back to Obama's pick for the FBI, not Obama - not at all. As soon as I watched the video of his announcement, I knew something was amiss with him, but couldn't yet put my finger on it.
As I contemplated the nomination on Monday, the words "red herring" came to mind. I have to honestly admit that I couldn't even remember what the quotation meant; I had to look it up.
Yes, James Comey is Obama's "red herring." Obama is devastated over his own nomination, but he made it by necessity, not by his own preferable choice.
I know when God is speaking to me. Let's not be deceived. Barack Obama is still the liberal Socialist he has always been, even with his decent pick for the FBI.
Obama has received so much "noise" from American citizens over his liberal spending, his Socialist agenda and his dictatorial executive orders that this had to be done; nevertheless, the plans of the shadow government are still underlying.
You have to know that when a man surrounds himself with Socialists, Marxists, Communists and enthusiastically teaches and preaches "Alinsky Tactics 101," his heart and mind represent all of these.
The Word of God tells us that a world dictator will arise,
"He causes all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand or in their foreheads, that no man might buy or sell, save he who has the mark, the name of the beast, or the number of his name. Here is wisdom. Let him who has understanding count the number of the beast, for it is the number of a man and his number is six hundred, sixty-six" Revelation 13:16-18.
Obama and the shadow government behind him want to control the population of this nation and the entire world.
Even God Himself gives man a choice, whether he will be obedient to God, repent of sin and live a holy life before Him; or reject God and go his own way in this life.
No matter how much Communists, Socialists, Marxists, Fascists and the like try to explain how they want everyone to have equal wealth and it is a good thing to "redistribute" the wealth among everyone, these megalomaniacal dictators always end up taking the wealth of the citizens, and instead of distributing it fairly among the people, they spread it among themselves, while the people languish.
Why don't these forms of government ever work? As fair as the ideology may appear to be, the Word of God says that the heart of man is wicked (Genesis 6:5). Only God Himself can and will set up a righteous kingdom on this earth; it is not within man's ability to do so by his own formula.
The Word of God tells us that we are to give to the poor,
"He who has pity on the poor, lends to the Lord, and that which he has given will He pay him again" Proverbs 19:17.
It is man's idea to have government rule over everyone and spread the money equally to all; but the Word of God tells us,
"They shall not build and another inhabit; they shall not plant and another eat, for as the days of a tree are the days of My people, and My elect shall long enjoy the work of their hands" Isaiah 65:22.
"For even when we were with you, this we commanded you, that if any would not work, neither should he eat" 2 Thessalonians 3:10.
The above scriptural references represent God's ways. We work and enjoy the fruit of our labor. If people are lazy, they will do without. God intended for His people to be free. God Himself does not even dictate and oppress His creation and it is not within His plans for anyone on this earth to dictate and oppress His people.
We are called by God to help the poor and enable him to prosper. If someone is disabled, we help him all the more and assist him in his disability. These are God's instructions.
It is a deceitful lie when anyone tells us that to redistribute the wealth evenly among the people is answer to everyone's financial problems. It didn't work in Russia; it didn't work in Germany; it doesn't work in China; it doesn't work in North Korea; it doesn't work in Viet Nam... This is Obama's stated mission, but it has already failed and it will continue to fail; it is not God's way.
All of the countries which have practiced Communism, Socialism, Marxism and Fascism have failed. Their dictators have ruthlessly and unmercifully killed millions and the poor have languished and starved in those nations; they still languish and starve! The ultimate sign of failure is that the citizens of these countries all want to flee to the great "Land of the Free;" which by the end of Obama's term, may exist no more! Anyone can call themselves a Christian. Jesus said,
"If you love Me, keep My commandments" John 14:15.
The only path to peace and eternal life is Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior. Have you received Jesus as your Savior? If not, please visit the How Can I Be Saved page of this website. Your eternal destiny depends on it.
In : Destruction to the United States
Tags: "obama's red herring"