Dead Christians killed by Muslims in Africa (excerpts):  President Obama will send about 100 US troops to Uganda and nearby countries to combat the Lord's Resistance Army and kill or capture its leader, Joseph Kony, who has been charged with war crimes for a decades-long campaign against civilians in Central Africa.  The initial military contingent numbering about a dozen troops arrived in Uganda on Wednesday and will grow to full strength in coming weeks.  

Commentary:  I find it interesting that Muslims have been killing, terrorizing and butchering Christians in Africa for years, even to the present time, without a blink of an eye from Obama.  Now that some "Christian" militant is on the rampage, he has figured out a way to 1) focus news medial on a "Christian" militant to make Christians look bad, 2) spend more money fighting wars, now that he has to withdraw troops from Iraq.  Where is his concern over the millions of Christians killed in Africa in the name of Islam?  Why doesn't Obama send help for these pitiful victims, who are butchered constantly by Muslims?  Please don't misunderstand, I am not for anyone who calls himself a Christian and who goes around killing people.  Nevertheless, I don't think bankrupt America has any money laying around to fight anyone else's wars, other than our own; and again, where is the concern about the millions butchered in Africa by Muslims?  "It is written, 'For your sake we are killed all day long; we are accounted as sheep for the slaughter" Romans 8:36.  "He who leads into captivity will go into captivity: he who kills with the sword must also be killed with the sword.  Here is the patience and faith of the saints" Revelation 13:10.