During an interview with Robin Roberts on Good Morning America last year, President Obama said, speaking about his daughters Malia and Sasha, "I have men with guns that surround them -- often." 

President Obama also just signed a bill that will give him armed protection for life, costing you and me millions of dollars. 

Nevertheless, after the Sandy Hook massacre, he assigned Vice President Joe Biden the task of disarming the American people.  In other words, he and his daughters are important, but he could care less if you have protection for your children.

Instead of placing armed guards at every school, with all of the school shootings and deaths of so many children in recent years, he is interested in seeing that our children don't have adequate protection against such maniacs.  His daughters, on the other hand, will have armed protection most of the time.

Jesus said to His apostles, as He knew the Romans would invade Israel,

"Then He said to them, 'He who has a purse, let him take it and likewise his script, and he who has no sword, let him sell his garment and buy one" Luke 22:36. 

Those who laid their lives down for Christ did it voluntarily.  Jesus never told the disciples they had to lay down and watch their families and children be slaughtered without trying to defend them.  It is our Second Amendment Constitutional right to bear arms and defend our families and children.  Those who want to take such rights away from the people have no good intention in mind.

Hitler disarmed the Jews before he had six million of them rounded up and slaughtered in death camps; actually, there were five million others who went down with them, including dissenting Christians, Jehovah's Witnesses, Masons, the impoverished and homosexuals, so we are really talking about 11 million annihilated in this generation by those governing a "civilized" nation. 

By the way, Hitler preached "redistribution of wealth" to the masses.  That concept sounds familiar.

"The vile person will speak villany and his heart will work iniquity, to practice hypocrisy and to utter error against the Lord, to make empty the soul of the hungry and he will cause the drink of the thirsty to fail" Isaiah 32:6.

"What is the hope of the hypocrite, though he has gained, when God takes away His soul?" Job 27:8

In case you missed it, during his 2008 campaign, Obama, making reference to some Old Testament scriptures and slavery, made fun of the Bible.  He attended a "Christian" church for about 20 years, but that was a farce.  If you go to YouTube.com, if you follow this link, you will understand what type of "preacher" Jeremiah Wright was.  This link will lead you to just one of his ranting messages against capitalism and that God should "damn America!"  He preached against the evil of slavery, which is right; slavery was one of the worst evils ever perpetrated in America and abroad.  How much time should a minister spend in the pulpit ranting about discrimination, when in fact, even black people in Africa participated in the slavery trade for the sake of filthy money. 
This is true, you can look it up.  He never mentions one time in any of his sermons that there were God-fearing white people who gave their lives in battle to help free men from slavery.  If you listen to his ranting, you will hear about how much he hates white people and America, which is also evil.  This is the ranting Barack Obama sat under for about 20 years.  It is tragic that our first black president was selected for the purpose of bringing America down, as the elite "shadow governments" work on their agenda to enslave and control the world. 

The wicked believe they are prospering and their hypocrisies will not be noticed, but God sees and judgment is soon coming upon this world, a world that is reeling with evil, the unmerciful and deceitful.  Judgment will come when they least expect it,

"For when they shall say, Peace and Safety, then sudden destruction will come upon them, as travail upon a woman with child, and they shall not escape"1 Thessalonians 5:3.

Are you prepared for the judgment of the Lord soon to fall upon the whole world?  All things have been written beforehand in the Word of God and not one prophecy has failed, or ever will fail.

The Bible tells us that a world dictator will arrive in the last days, the Antichrist, who will even tell people whether or not they will be allowed to buy or sell,

"He causes all, both small and great, rich and poor, bond and free, to receive a mark in their right hand or in their foreheads, that no man may buy or sell, except he who has the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.  Here is wisdom.  Let him who has understanding count the number of the beast, for it is the number of a man, and his number is six hundred, sixty-six" Revelation 13:16-18.

God's people will be taken up from the earth before His wrath is poured out (1 Thessalonians 4:16-18).  Are you prepared to see Him, or will you be left behind?  If you are not ready, please visit the How Can I Be Saved page of this website.  Your eternal destiny depends on it.  God bless you.