Huffington Post (excertps) by Erica Werner:  They are fuzzy on some issues, but the Republican presidential candidates leave little doubt about where they stand.  Rick Perry and Rick Santorum go pheasant hunting and give interviews before heading out.  Newt Gingrich and Herman Cain speak to the National Rifle Association convention.  Michelle Bachmann tells People magazine she wants to teach her daughters how to shoot because women need to be able to protect themselves.  Mitt Romney, after backing some gun control measures in Massachusetts, now presents himself as a strong Second Amendment supporter.  President Barack Obama, on the other hand, is silent on the issue.  Democrats have learned the hard way that embracing gun control can be terrible politics, and the 2012 presidential election is shaping up to underscore just how delicate the issue can be.  For Republicans, that means emphasizing their pro-gun credentials, but for Obama and the Democrats, the approach is trickier.  "It's bad politics to be on the wrong side of the Second Amendment at election time," Said Wayne LaPierre, NRA executive vice president.  "They are trying to fog the issue through the 2012 election and deceive gun owners into thinking he's something that he is not..."  

Commentary:  If you are going to vote for a president, wouldn't you like to know where he or she stands on major important issues?  With regard to President Obama, it probably matters little one way or the other, if he speaks out, because according to the Political Facts gauge, he has made 55 false statements since his 2008 campaign, plus more half-truths than that.  The bottom line is this, no Socialist/Marxist-Democrat believes in the Second Amendment (period).  Historically, when governments turn Socialist/Marxist, one of the first things to go is private gun ownership.  Of course, none of the unregistered illegal guns owned by criminals are confiscated, so that leaves all of the law abiding citizens unprotected, while the violent criminals stay armed.  The president (dictator) and his/her staff keep all of their guns and security measures intact, so that leaves only the little people, like you and me, defenseless against criminals/murderers.  Why do they confiscate guns?  Simply because when they really get things into full-swing (oppression), like confiscating private businesses, homes, land, etc.. for the "good of all," they don't want anyone able to defend themselves or to protect their properties.  Right now, people are focused on this upcoming "healthcare for all," but down the road a bit lies loss of freedoms and property, as well as slave labor, for the "good of the nation."  These are the words of Jesus, "He said to them, 'Now, he who has a purse, take it, also his scrip; and he who does not have a sword, he should sell his garment and buy one'" Luke 22:36.  Jesus advised his disciples to "sell their garment and buy a sword," emphasizing how necessary a defense weapon would be.  He said this because he knew that the Roman army would invade Jerusalem and slaughter those who did not defend themselves or flee.  Unfortunately, we live in a world full of unconscionable criminals and it is unwise to leave yourselves and your families unprotected and vulnerable, in the event criminals invade your home.  Patrick Henry once said, "Give me liberty or give me death!"