Arutz Sheva Op-Ed: by Ron Jager (excerpts):  Now is the time to remind us all of what must be told about Obama.

Preaching to the choir, that's what Obama does and he does it well.  Never mind the Arab Spring nurtured and supported by Obama turning into a nightmare of Islamic extremism, never mind Iran's triumphant march towards nuclear capability due to Obama's inaction over the past three years; remember the three wasted years of "engaging Iran" and nothing to show for it, and never mind the very real danger that Egypt will cancel the peace agreement with Israel, as Egypt's Islamic Brotherhood begins to head the Egyptian government, they too were part of Obama's grand plans for the Middle East.  

Never mind Obama's unstoppable budgetary runaway and America's national debt ballooning to 15 trillion dollars in just three years, concluding with "don't let anybody else tell a different story;" like I said, the greatest show on earth.  

Israel needs a more reliable friend in the White House than President Obama.  Only a White House that truly believes in and appreciates Israel's value in complimenting and sustaining American interests in the Middle East can be considered a friend of Israel.  Obama does not fit this description; Obama will always regard Israel as a bargaining chip to endear himself among the Islamic masses; we saw this in Iran and we saw this as Obama abandoned one Middle Eastern ally after another.  

In recent weeks Obama has bragged at almost every opportunity how he is Israel's greatest friend and has done more for Israel than any of his predecessors, reminding us again and again, "don't let anybody else tell a different story."  

Now for the facts:  The true story is very different than the imaginary and convoluted narrative that Obama passes on as truth.  From his very first day in office, Obama made it his business to distance himself and the United States from Israel.  Remember the speech in Cairo at the beginning of his presidency, during which time he drew a moral equivalence between the Holocaust and the "plight of the Palestinians (Arabs of Judea and Samaria), inferring that the "Nakba" was the beginning of the Palestinian Arabs' Holocaust.

No other president has done more to undermine Jerusalem as Israel's eternal undivided Capitol.  Imagine the possibilities to Israel's detriment should Obama not have any electoral constraints holding him back?  

 Now is the time to clearly remind the American public that the "greatest show on earth" will not hide Obama's colossal failures no matter how incessantly we are all told about Obama's successful presidency.  Obama has spoken his support for Israel's security, but has done much, some say all he can, to undermine Israel's diplomatic position and strengthen her enemies.  

All we have to ask ourselves is one simple question; Is America better off today than she was four years ago?  You know the old saying, "You can fool all of the people some of the time, and some of the people all the time, but you cannot fool all the people all the time."  This quote has been attributed to P.T. Barnum of the world famous Ringling Bros. Barnum and Bailey Circus, "the greatest show on earth."  

Commentary:  Honestly, Obama is dangerous to the citizens of the United States and Israel.  His allegiance is obviously to Muslims (and they are out to destroy the United States and Israel), even in going so far as to remove the words "Islamic terrorist..Islamic terrorist..Islamic terrorist.." (since he doesn't want it said, I am compelled to rub it in) from our military's Terror Training Manuals.  Well, we have Islamic terrorists all over the Middle East and right here in the US.  To imply that we should fain ignorance to that fact, even to the point of deleting the truth from our military training manuals is DANGEROUS!  Who was it then, if not an Islamic terrorist, that shot and killed 13 of our US troops at Fort Hood, TX on 11/5/09?  Was it Yahoodie??  No, he was an Islamic terrorist..Islamic terrorist!  This guy in the White House is a Muslim terrorist sympathizer and he should be impeached!  

 The longer my fellow US citizens give Obama leave to destroy this nation, the faster he is going to get the job done, and try to take Israel out with us.  His pastor, Jeremiah Wright, preached "hate America" messages in his ears for more than 20 years and he just sat there, listened, and apparently enjoyed every minute of it, or he would have gotten up out of his seat and never went back, wouldn't you think?  It really doesn't concern me if he is voted in by many of you for another term, because I am taken care of; I am a child of God.  Those of you, however, who dare vote for this left-wing liberal, who is for late term abortions - an abomination in the sight of God by the way - and the Muslims, most of whom hate us, you will receive what you are opting for - destruction.  

 These are some of the promises to those of us who fear God (not man), "He who dwells in the secret place of the Most High will abide under the shadow of the Almighty...You will not be afraid for the terror by night, or the arrow that flies by day...A thousand will fall at your side and ten thousand at your right hand, but it (the danger) will not come near you" Psalms 91:1,5,7.   Unfortunately, if you are a left-wing liberal, these promises do not apply to you.  Did you know that the word "liberal" is in the Bible?  Yes, the Bible refers to liberals, like Obama, and the message is not good at all..."The vile person will no more be called liberal, nor the churl said to be bountiful; for the vile person will speak villainy and his heart will work iniquity, to practice hypocrisy and utter error against the Lord (Obama has spoken out against the Bible - see News Videos page), to make empty the soul of the hungry and he will cause the drink of the thirsty to fail" Isaiah 32:5-6.  Did you capture all of this prophetic message in the Word of God?  Narrowing it down, it says that those we refer to as "liberal" will be known as the "vile hypocrites" they really are, and they will make the "souls of the hungry empty and cause the drink of the thirsty to fail."  Because people in this nation support such a villain, they will end up hungry and thirsty - that is where you are headed with this president.  The Word of God has forewarned you.