Debka reported today that Obama has planned nuclear talks with Tehran as soon as next month; but since Iran's elections are in March, Iran's leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei is saying that they waited for the US elections, why not wait until Iran's elections are completed?   

What else is new?  Iran could have nuclear arms at this moment, or at any time, and these consistent delays, Obama wants to campaign, Khamenei wants to complete their elections, etc, etc..., are obviously ploys to give Iran more time to prepare nuclear arms.  Ahmadinejad and Khamenei have both said Iran may loose countless lives, but it will all be worth it if Israel is annihilated! 

What do you suppose Obama is thinking?  What could he possibly want to talk about?  Iran has already vowed they will destroy Israel no matter what.  What doesn't Obama understand about that?  Hello, is anyone home?  Reality to Obama!  Iran is intent on destroying Israel - no matter what - so what is there to talk about?  What an idiotic charade! 

I would be very upset about these deliberate delays, at Israel's expense, but I already know the end of the story with regard to Iran.  It has all been written thousands of years ago by the prophet Ezekiel (chapter 38).  Israel wins!

Ezekiel wrote that Gog-Magog (modern day Russia) will invade Israel with Persia (modern day Iran), Ethiopia (modern day Sudan) and Libya - the same Libya we see today.  He also wrote that Israel is going to destroy them so utterly that only one-sixth of Russia's forces will return to Russia, the rest will be buried in Israel, and that goes for most of those with Russia!  Israel wins!

You only need to look back at every major war fought since 1948, when Israel became a nation, to see whose side God is on: 

1948:    Israel's war of Independence:   Egypt, Iraq, Transjordan, Syria, Lebanon, Holy War Army, Arab Liberation Army all fight against little Israel.  Israel wins! 

1967:     Six Day War:    Egypt, Syria, Jordan and Iraq all fight against little Israel.  Israel wins!

1973:    Yom Kippur War:    Egypt, Syria and Iraq made a surprise attack against Israel on a holy day, when they thought Israel's delayed response on their holy day (with sabbath) would cause little Israel's demise.  Israel wins!

1982-1985:      First Lebanon War: 
The Palestinian Liberation Organization, Lebanese National Resistance Front and Syria all fight against Israel.  Israel wins!

When are these Muslims, who hate Israel so passionately, going to realize they aren't really fighting against Israel alone; they fight against Israel and the one and only true God of all heaven and earth!  They are serving the wrong god!  They have all of those forehead bumps for nothing!

These renewed talks, silly ploys, have backed Israel against a wall, so they may just have to go it alone.  When they do, and when Israel gets done with them, Iran will only have enough little men left to tag along side of Russia, when Russia comes against Israel.  Israel is also going to pulverize Russia too.  If you don't believe it, just read Ezekiel 38!

If you aren't saved, please visit the How Can I Be Saved page of this website.  There's no time to lose.  God bless you.