Fox News: President Obama's call for 2 billion in loan assistance to Egypt has left many political figures scratching their heads, as they try to figure out why a debt ridden US would commit that much money to a country whose new government may not end up friendly to America. In Thursday's sweeping address on the uprisings in the Middle East and North Africa, the president said he wants the US to forgive roughly 1 billion in debt owed by Egypt and to provide another billion in loan guarantees to free up money for job creation efforts there.
My Comments: This is the straw that "broke the camel's back!" America is bankrupt, Obama wants to give 1 billion to Egypt, forgive another 1 billion loan, after he already sent 700 million to the Middle East to refurbish mosques. The Egyptians must be laughing at us all the way to the bank. For one thing, did anyone miss the splendor of the massive, gold-lined palace that the former Egyptian President lived in? Since when do they need our money! I would say this has to be a case of "I'll scratch your back, you scratch mine!" If the American people are stupid enough to vote Barack Hussein Obama into the White House during this next election, then I suppose you all deserve what you get!
In : Economic Crisis
"america bankrupt" "obama wants to give 2 billion to egypt"