On Friday afternoon, Kathleen Sebelius and her Department of Health and Human Services announced that religious employers have an extra year to comply with the mandate to provide insurance coverage for contraceptives, sterilization, including some that cause abortion.  She was quoted as saying, "I believe this proposal strikes the appropriate balance between respecting religious freedom and increasing access to important preventative services," reported by Nation.FoxNews.com. 

"Strikes the appropriate 'balace?'"  Now what balance would that be?  It is a balance that weighs heavily against religious freedom.  If you are a Christian employer and you believe sterilization, abortion, or even contraceptives are a sin, the message is, "So what.  You're going to do it anyway, or most likely be fined out of business!"  For those of us who do not see doctors, if we live by faith, or rely on holistic medicine.  According to Obamacare, you may never see a doctor, but you are going to pay for one anyway!  We are headed towards socialism now, and according to the Word of God, this is all going to end up in the worst dictatorial mess such as the world has never seen yet.  Hitler and Stalin were toy soldiers compared to what is coming.  (The preceding post provides scriptural references.)