Osama Bin Laden Sent Warning to the US in Final Video Tape
Posted by Leisa Amorosa on Tuesday, May 10, 2011 Under: Terrorism
Fox News: In what may be his last recorded words, Osama bin Laden warned President Obama that US support for Israel would continue to imperil America's security. The audio tape released after Bin Laden was killed by US forces more than a week ago, had been expected. A US official told Fox News last week that a tape was in the "pipeline" and would contain the same "tired subject matter." Agence France-Presse (AFP) first reported on the content of the message, which was posted on the Al-Qaeda-affiliated website Shamikh1.net. The news service said Bin Laden warned that US security is tied to conditions in the Palestinian territories. "America will not be able to dream of security, until we live in security in Palestine. It is unfair that you live in peace, while our brothers in Gaza live in insecurity," Bin Laden said, according to AFP. He also appeared to claim credit for the failed bombing attempt on a Detroit-bound plane in December 2009. Though the authenticity was not immediately confirmed, there has never been a fake tape purported to be from Bin Laden or one of his deputies. According to a senior US intelligence official, a copy of an audiotape discussing the recent unrest in the Middle East was also collected at Bin Laden's compound during the Navy SEAL's raid last weekend. However, the official could not confirm whether the audio published on Middle East websites Monday is the last Bin Laden tape, representing his "final will and testament."
My Comments: Every time the Palestinians attack Israel, to start a major war, Israel defeats them. Israel reclaimed Jerusalem during the Six Day War, which the Palestinians initiated against Israel. So many in the world complain that the Palestinians are abused by Israel, but I have never seen a country more charitable to a group of warmongers and thugs as Israel is to the Palestinians. Much of the world is insane and can't see clearly; they must be demon possessed in these last days, in their attempts to accuse Israel for anything against Palestinians! Israel has done nothing but try to assist Palestinians, all the while they are shooting rockets into Israel. Israel does nothing to provoke the attacks, yet the Palestinians continue to shoot rockets into Israel and Israel does little in retaliation; still, the world accuses Israel! It wouldn't do the Palestinians any good at all to torment me with rockets, because I would have blown them all to their destiny a long time ago. This is absolutely a sign that we are at the time of the end.
In : Terrorism
Tags: "osama bin laden's last video" "osama bin laden's warning to the us"