(excerpts):  Pensacola, FL - State scientists will head to the Florida Panhandle this week to check on East Bay oyster beds where oystermen are reporting a die-off.  Oyster season opened October 1.  Oystermen have reported pulling up dead oysters from beds that had been filled with large, healthy oysters at the end of the last harvest season on June 30.  "We're finding very few alive," Pasco Gibson, a main supplier of the East Bay oysters, told the Pensacola News Journal.  "This time of the year, we should be catching 500 to 1,000 pounds per boat a day.  We're not even catching a hundred pounds."  Gibson's six oyster boats are mostly idle and some of his freelance oystermen are heading to Apalachicola to look for work.  He said the meager harvests have cost him 40% of his income.  Depending on what's killing the oysters, once they start growing back, it could take up to three years to grow them large enough to harvest, he said.  "Something happened in August and it had to be massive because some of these beds are 10 miles apart," Gibson said of the beds scattered near the shorelines of East Bay.  

Commentary:  As scientists do all around the world today, the scientists in Florida provided many different reasons for the oyster die-offs, but the massive die-off here is not normal.  The article goes on to include numerous reasons why the oysters could have died, but it's interesting that not a single one of them mentioned (on record) that all of the die-offs around the world is very unusual and baffling.  No, instead, every article you come to reads like, "Well, it could be...and it could be...and we saw something like this before...die-offs are not uncommon."  Right, die-offs here and there, in isolated cases are not uncommon; but what these scientists dare not say that this is alarming and it's happening in mass all over the world!  People would rather hear the truth, regardless of the circumstances, than be patronized or lied to.  Here is truth:  The Bible says, concerning the last days, "The land will mourn and everyone that dwells in it will languish, with the beasts of the field and the fowls of heaven, yes, the fishes of the sea will also be taken away" Hosea 4:3.  Nevertheless, there is good news and hope.  Please visit the How Can I Be Saved page of this website for more information and God bless you.