Parents Outraged Over Solitary Confinement Rooms for Disabled Children at Connecticut Elementary School
Posted by Leisa Amorosa on Thursday, January 12, 2012 Under: American Schools
Looks like solitary confinement to me! by Cristina Corbin (excerpts): Parents at one Connecticut elementary school say they are outraged over the use of so-called "scream rooms" to discipline special needs students. Two rooms at Farm Hill Elementary School in Middletown, CT, came under fire after several students complained about the sounds of children yelling coming from the rooms, while building custodians reported having to clean up blood and urine from their floors and walls. Tricia Belin, whose two children attend the school, described the rooms as 6' x 4' spaces with concrete walls used to isolate special needs students who are disruptive in the classroom. "Closet is pretty much what it is," Belin told, saying that her children are regularly subjected to screaming coming from inside the rooms. Belin said she complained to the school's principal when she first learned about them last October, and was told they were considered "alternative learning environment."
Commentary: These are nothing more than solitary confinement "torture" chambers for disabled children and the entire nation should be outraged! I sent an email to the school district expressing my disgust, and you may want to do the same ( - this is the email address for Jennifer Adams, Faculty Information). Parents, with all that's going on in public schools across the nation, you may want to consider every available means possible to get your children out of public schools and into home education, or another alternative. If you are a single parent, you might consider asking for help from other family members, until your child graduates. There are grave, serious problems with public education in the United States. It seems there is a devilish determination by school officials to not only introduce sex to the minds of your children starting with Kindergarten and to keep it in the forefront of their minds throughout elementary, junior high and high school. Along with this obsession they have with sex education for the very young, is the insistence they have to instill in their little minds the concepts that "women with women and men with men" are very appropriate and acceptable lifestyles, so much so that now children as young as six are coming up with gender identity problems! All of these obsessions because about 2% of the population, yes 2% want to live immoral lifestyles, so the government wants to push it down the throats of your children at an early age. The objective here too is no doubt that if they can encourage homosexuality, this will cut down on the population. These people have always been free to live their lifestyles and they shouldn't be bothered by anyone, I agree, God will be their judge; but when they gather elected officials to their cause that they want to corrupt the minds children and push this lifestyle on children throughout the nation, that's when people need to pull their children out of there. Not only this, but you can find reports all over the internet news about teachers molesting children throughout the nation. Public schools are simply no longer fit or capable of instructing children. I don't hate homosexuals at all. God loves homosexuals, but the Bible, not only in the Old Testament, but in the New Testament, teaches us that homosexuality is a sin and will be judged by God. This is not a popular message and it has no doubt caused censorship of this website, but the Word of God is the Word of God, the Truth is the Truth, and no one is ever going to change that. The Bible says, "For this cause (sin), God gave them up to vile affections, and even women changed their natural function into that which is against nature; and likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in lust toward one another, men with men devising that which is grossly improper, and receiving within themselves the reward of their sin which was just" Romans 1:26-27. You can't get much plainer than that. I could go on about how they still teach children we all came from monkeys, that it's a mathematical impossibility, even if you don't want to believe in God, but I will save it for another time. Please pray, for the sake of your children, and try to get them out of the corrupt classrooms. If you are interested in more information about Home Education, please visit the Home Education page of this website. God bless you.
In : American Schools
Tags: "parents outraged over scream rooms in connecticut elementary school"