Huffington Post by Dave Jamieson (excperts):  Washington - Acknowledging how little the current Congress has dome for the Americans during the job crisis, House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D - California) said Sunday that President Barack Obama should "run against this do-nothing Congress" to strengthen the message of his 2012 re-election campaign.  "I completely subscribe to his approach," Pelosi said.  "I think it's really important for the president to make the race that he is running against a do-nothing Congress."  Although Obama has been pressing lawmakers to renew the payroll tax cut through this year, the White House has hinted that he won't be working closely with Congress anytime in the near future.  Deputy Press Secretary Joshua Earnest said, "In terms of the president's relationship with Congress, the president is no longer tied to Washington, D.C."  

Commentary:  You read correctly, "the president is no longer tied to Washington, DC."  President Obama has repeatedly remarked about a "do-nothing Congress" and now he disassociates himself entirely with Congress.  The reason Congress hasn't been able to work with the president is because his objectives put the national debt into the outer limits.  Obama has made remarks throughout his presidency that make reference to overriding Congress on numerous issues.   He specifically made this statement before a Hispanic civil rights group on 7/25/11, "Believe me, the idea of doing things on my own is very tempting."  He has also been quoted as saying on numerous occasions, "There are people that want me to bypass Congress;" he said it on January 27, 2010 (see video on News Videos page).  All of this is conditioning.  Yes, President Obama is conditioning the American public to the idea of a dictatorial government, which is where he is leading this nation.  While campaigning for the presidency, he was quoted as saying to the Boston Globe on 11/20/07, "I will not use signing statements to nullify or undermine congressional instructions as enacted into law."  However, within months of taking office Obama had already used signing statements to put Congress on notice he would ignore provisions of laws he had signed on foreign relations, as well as on domestic spending bills.  Most recently, he included a signing statement with the National Defense Authorization Act, an extremely controversial law he signed during the New Year's holiday (which includes that our Sixth Amendment Right to counsel is revocable at his will; American citizens can be detained without counsel and without trial indefinitely under this law).  While America sleeps, this rouge president (who gained his nomination with fraudulent signatures in the IL primary, and whose father is not a natural born citizen, which fails to meet the "natural born citizen" clause of the United States Constitution for presidential candidates) is paving the road now to a dictatorial government in the United States of America.  There has never been a greater country than the United States of America and its Constitutional freedoms, but it is eroding quickly.  The Bible says, "Where there is no vision, the people perish; but he who keeps the law is happy" Proverbs 29:18.  Americans don't realize it now, but when the likes of Obama does away with the Constitution of these United States, they will no longer be free and they will not be happy.  
The National Defense Authorization Act in action...