Jay Sekulow, Chief Councel for the American Center for Law and Justice (ACLJ), submitted an article to Fox News for their Opinion page titled "Rewarding hate, intolerance and broken promises - with taxpayer dollars."  I modified that title a bit for this post.  The following are excerpts from Jay Sekulow's the article:

Just days after President Obama left Israel, we learned that his administration quietly gave the green light to giving nearly $500 million in taxpayer-funded aid to the Palestinian Authority.

The administration's memory must be short.

Roughly four months ago, the Palestinian Authority defied the Oslo Accords - and the US - by seeking and gaining nonmember observer state status at the United Nations.

Just weeks ago - right before President Obama's visit - the Palestinian Authority's ruling Fatah party met with representatives from Hamas to implement the long-promised Palestinian "unity government" that would render the Palestinian people formally and officially terrorist led.

Taken together with Obama's recent gift of $250 million to Muslim Brotherhood-led Egypt, America's taxpayers are now on the hook for three-quarters of a billion dollars in sequester-era stimulus for radical foreign governments with recent records of defying America and breaking treaties.

In other words, act like an ally, then we'll think about aid.

Commentary: Jay Sekulow is such a gentle-hearted man. Actually, I'm certain he had to tone down his anger in order to get his article published on Fox News. I am not quite that diplomatic...

We are well over three-quarters of a billion dollars into gifts to terrorists (including other gifts such as the $3 billion to the "Arab Spring" nations at the G8 meeting post-Abrab Spring, the $770 million to "refurbish" Muslim mosques, etc, etc...). Defying America and breaking treaties...  You are such a gentleman, Jay Sekulow.  How about chopping off heads in their public squares on Fridays, honor killings all week long and amputations for thieves and other petty criminals wherever the PA exists! These human beings are acting worse than animals. Animals don't "honor kill" their own young - generally.

We don't see the Obama administration giving this kind of money to help children who are dropping dead in the dusty streets of Africa from starvation, disease and who are even dying of thirst! We aren't even allowed to hear about it through Obama's propagandized media!

Obama doesn't have a short memory. He is aware of exactly what he is doing. He was aware of exactly what he was doing when he side-stepped Congress and vigorously helped bring the Muslim Brotherhood terrorist organization into power in the Middle East.

I wonder if the Palestinians are snickering behind Obama's back, or if they are possibly heard in the streets saying, "Poor man, with his Monopoly money!" After all, it really doesn't have any collateral behind it, since the US is bankrupt!  That gift has to be losing its buying power by the second! Can't you just visualize Obama on the phone, "Can we crank up those money-printing machines somehow?" Forget the fact that they are already running 24-7/365 and can't keep up with the spending!

Nevertheless, with the real number of unemployed at about 15% (InvestorPlace.com) and 3.5 million people homeless, many of whom live in tent cities throughout the US; like The Emperor's New Clothes, even our fake money is valuable to those who still pretend it's real.

This US President has the spirit of antichrist, which was also working in Hitler and other dictators to gain world dominance and destroy the Jews.  Jay Sekulow wrote in his article about how the Palestinians have killed many Jews and they do not acknowledge Israel as a state. Only excerpts were taken from his article for this post.

The Palestinians hate Israel and seek to destroy the Jews. In fact, while Obama was visiting Israel, Palestinian militants fired rockets into the southern region of Israel. Obama still made his visit to see Palestinian President Abbas, just after leaving Israel. He has absolutely no fear of walking into volatile Arab nations throughout the Middle East, even though many of those people even chant "death to America" during their gatherings. Does anyone ask themselves why that is? There can only be one answer; Obama is not for America and the Arabs already know this. The Arabs are out to establish a world dominant Caliphate. Is it any wonder Obama is immigrating tens of thousands of Muslims into the US?

The Word of God tells us that the king of the north, who I know to be Russia, which is directly north of Israel, and certain Arab nations in the Middle East will come against Israel,

"And you will come from your place out of the north parts, you, and many people with you, all of them riding upon horses, a great company and a mighty army; and you will come up against My people of Israel, as a cloud to cover the land. It shall be in the latter days, and I will bring you against My land, that the heathen may know me, when I shall be sanctified in you, O Gog (Russia), before their eyes" Ezekiel 38:15-16.

Ezekiel wrote of many "riding upon horses" and this might cause some to believe that he was referring to ancient times. Nevertheless, the prophets, in many instances, did not have words to describe the technology they saw in their visions and revelations, so common vocabulary was used. The fact is that many in America referred to early vehicles as "horseless carriages." They didn't know any other vocabulary.

The battle of Ezekiel 38-39, which will occur in the latter days, has not taken place yet, but we can see the details of the alliance and motives of those nations discussed in these chapters unfolding before our eyes at this time.

There should be no misunderstanding, Bible prophecy has been fulfilled with 100 percent accuracy to date and the remaining prophecies will be fulfilled, as outlined in God's Holy Word.

Some theologians argue that the king of the north is not Russia, but Turkey, or some other nation. I agree with those who are convinced that the king of the north spoken of in Ezekiel 38 is Russia, specifically Vladimir Putin, not only because Russia is directly north of Israel, but because God gave me a vision of Vladimir Putin on November 8, 2010, as detailed on the Prophecy page of this site (article dated 11/8/10). Since that time, Putin's alliance with Iran has been forged and he has publicly stated, "An attack against Tehran is an attack against Moscow."  

Catastrophe is in the horizon, but there is one hope, Jesus Christ our Savior.  Just when all of these maniacal nations band together and come against Israel, the Lord Jesus will return to destroy his enemies.  Whose side are you on? Remember, there is only one of two places a person can spend eternity - there is no middle ground.

If you aren't saved, please visit the How Can I Be Saved page of this website.  Your eternal destiny depends on it.  God bless you.