Rick Perry, GOP presidential candidate, stands for Christians' heritage in America.
 The Huffington Post called Rick Perry's recent campaign add "despicable" and Fox News insinuated that Rick Perry tried to blame President Obama for banning prayer in public schools, which is not what Rick Perry did at all.  Since President Obama started his campaign for president in 2006, he has been attacking the Bible, Christianity and even Jesus's Sermon on the Mount (see those videos on the News Videos page of this site).  Rick Perry, as everyone does, realizes that prayer was removed from public schools in the 60s.  His point is that President Obama has been attacking Christianity even before he was elected President and he continues to do so.  Even though President Obama denies being a Muslim, probably because of the majority of Christians in this nation, his father was a Muslim, he was registered as Muslim in school, many of his relatives are Muslims and he has even stated in his book, Audacity of Hope, that he would "stand with the Muslims should the political winds of war shift in an ugly direction."  There is no doubt about it, he sides with the Muslims on every hand.  He is a Muslim and he attacks the Bible and Christianity.
Rick Perry is receiving a lot of heat all over the place for his controversial campaign add contrasting how gays are allowed to serve in the military, but our children aren't allowed to pray or celebrate Christmas in school.  This is true, and not only is this true, but public school curriculum is teaching children that gay lifestyles are normal and respectable.  This trash shouldn't be shoved down the throats of American children as young as six years old simply because about 2% of the population decide to live perverted lifestyles.  Rick Perry has been open about his faith as Texas Governor.  Nothing has changed about Rick Perry.  He isn't perfect and he has made some blunders, as everyone does, but he is very conservative and he believes in preserving our Christian heritage and the rights of Christians.  Too many politicians today say they are Christians, such as President Obama, but they live hypocritical lifestyles and some, such as President Obama, are even opposing to Christianity (you can find more information at this link: AudacityofHypocrisy.com).