Jim Berkland, renowned Geologist, has been predicting significant earthquake activity here along the West Coast this month of March 2011.  He predicted the 1989 World Series quake just days before it happened and his method is precise and he has a history of predictions.  During an interview on Fox News 3/15/11, he said that he understands gravitational pulls, which trigger earthquakes and cause high tides.  He also noted that dead fish washed ashore before the 1989 quake.  Millions, possibly billions of dead fish washed up in Redondo Beach just last week.  I mentioned last Sunday that San Francisco was due for another earthquake and I wasn't surprised by Jim Berkland's prediction.  The highest tidal force in years is expected to hit 3/19/11, this coming Saturday, which is referred to as a "seismic window" by Jim Berkland.  God is warning people all over the world that Jesus is coming soon and the end of the age is at hand.  I believe Katrina in Louisiana, Haiti, Chile, Japan (last week) is just the beginning of sorrows for this world, because much of the world refuses to turn to God, repent, and accept Jesus Christ as their Savior.  Jesus suffered and died for our sins, so we would not have to pay the penalty ourselves; it is a free gift from God.  Nevertheless, the scriptures tell us in II Peter 2:4,9 "If God spared not the angels that sinned, but cast them down to hell and delivered them to chains of darkness to be reserved to judgment....The Lord knows how to deliver the godly out of temptations, and reserve the unjust unto the day of judgment to be punished."