Fox News:  If you watched the entire Glenn Beck Show today, you will have also noticed that he had a special guest on his program, Loretta Honeycutt, to talk about the public school curriculum which teaches children socialism, racism, and promotes treason in our country.  In fact, children in Arizona were incited to protest so violently that riot police were called to break up their protest against the school district for making their controversial curriculum voluntary, versus mandatory.

My Comments:  Forget now that Barack Obama "kicked dust" in the face of Texans and refused to help with wildfires, while sending cargo planes to battle fires in Mexico.  This Administration's school czars have crept into public schools with radical curriculum, which is literally destroying the minds of the children in this nation, and also causing them to become radically violent about their extremely liberal beliefs.  Wake up America!!  Once they have infected the minds of the children, America has been destroyed from within!  No wonder FEMA is erecting "concentration camps" throughout America.