(excerpts taken):  The Obama Administration passed another fiscal milestone last week according to new data released by the Treasury Department.  As of the close of business on October 3, the total national (visible) debt was $14,837,099,271,196.71 - up about 44.8 billion from September 30.  That means that in the less than three years Obama has been in office, the federal debt has increased by 4.212 trillion - more than the total national debt of about 4.1672 trillion accumulated by ALL 41 US PRESIDENTS FROM GEORGE WASHINGTON THROUGH GEORGE H W BUSH COMBINED!!  This 4.212 trillion increase in the national debt means that during Obama's term, the federal government has already borrowed about an additional $35,835 for every American household, or $44,980 for every full-time private sector worker.  When Obama was inaugurated on January 20, 2009, according to the Treasury Department, the total national debt stood at $10,626,877,048,913.08.  At the end of January 1993, the month that president George H W Bush left office, the total national debt was $4.1672 trillion, according to the Treasury Department.  Thus, the total national debt accumulated by the first 41 presidents combined was about 44.8 billion less than the approximately $4.212 trillion in new debt added during Obama's term.  Obama has been in office about 33 months.  During that time, the debt increased at an average pace of $4.27 billion per day.  Were that rate to continue until Obama's term ends on January 20, 2013, the debt would then stand at about $16.86534 trillion - an increase of more than $6.2 trillion for Obama's four years.  That would equal nearly $53,000 for each American household, or more than $66,000 for every full-time private sector worker.  The total national debt did not exceed $6.2 trillion until 2002, when George W Bush was president.  

Commentary:  President Obama has a socialist mind-set and Marxist agenda.  Bankrupting America is on his "To Do" list and is necessary before everything can be herded under a socialist government rule - dictatorship.  If you want more of the same, vote him in again next term.  If you're fed up, I don't recommend him or Cain.  Cain is out, as far as I am concerned, because of his connection with the Federal Reserve Bank.  If you want more information about that, Google "Cain's employment with the Federal Reserve Bank."  The Federal Reserve is part of the social elitist's agenda and a big part of the problem economically.  America's collapse will facilitate a one-world government - currency, the ultimate socialist agenda.  For more interesting reading, I invite you to search the "Economic Crisis" topic on this page (click on "Economic Crisis" on the right margin of this page).  ill be able to buy or sell, except those who have the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name" Revelation 13:17.