SOPA - Stop Online Privacy Act
Posted by Leisa Amorosa on Thursday, January 19, 2012 Under: Destruction to the United States
The Stop Online Privacy Act, also known as House Bill 3261, or HR 3261, is a bill that was introduced in the United States House of Representatives on October 26, 2011, by House Judiciary Committee Chair Representative Lamar S. Smith (R-TX) and a bipartisan group of 12 initial cosponsors. The bill, if made law, would expand the ability of the US law enforcement and copyright holders to fight online trafficking in copyrighted intellectual property and counterfeit goods.
Google carries an advertisement contesting the bill, and Wikipedia issued a blackout on their page throughout the day Wednesday. Opponents say this bill infringes on First Amendment rights of free speech and that it will cripple the internet. Congress will debate this law in February. In the meantime, everyone is encouraged to contact their congressman to oppose the bill.
The bill is incognito. The true reason behind this bill is to stamp out what the government considers offensive and egregious to Muslims and atheists. There is an ongoing lawsuit right now in India, whereby internet giants Facebook and Google are being sued for the content of information allowed on their sites. The plaintiff has sued the websites for their failure to censor information considered to be offensive to "Muslims, Hindus and Christians." Google and Facebook are contesting, obviously because to police their website and search engine is an infringement on freedom of speech and will put some sites clear out of business due to their inability to censor on such a scale.
Here in America, since censorship is against our First Amendment right to freedom of speech and since the Obama administration has already been widely criticized for violating our Constitution already, the way to get around it is to pick another reason. It seems they thought copyright infringement was as good as they can get, without unveiling the fact that they want to do away with much more of our freedoms, like speech for instance. You would think that our administration would tell mature adult citizens that people have a right to publish their perspectives, without fear of being beheaded! No, that is too mature and intellectual for such brute beasts, instead they will use the terrorism crisis to say, "We have to censor the internet so people will not be harmed." That's ridiculous! Isn't that like - caving in to threats? In this FREE country, hasn't the message always been, "People have a right to express themselves (actually the truth - according to the Word of God in some cases) and if anyone doesn't like it, that's too bad! We all have to be mature adults here." No, this corrupt administration wants to use the "we need to protect you act" to put their foot on top of everyone's rights. What ever happened to, "Give me liberty, or give me death! - Patrick Henry.
Google is actually taking preemptive steps to comply with this administration's complaints about our offensiveness towards Muslim terrorists, by putting controversial sites, such as this one, so far at the end of the search list, no one can ever find it. Their excuse for doing this is stated as "security censorship" to avoid endangering the lives of others. This website,, has been taken from page ONE on Google search results and placed at the bottom of the barrel, about the 4 MILLIONTH hit for related searches. It is quite alright, because we are living in the last days and I don't expect better. If this website is taken from place #1 and moved to #4 million, it only reminds me of the words Jesus said, "Blessed are you when men hate you and separate their company from you, reproach you and cast out your name as evil for the Son of man's sake. Rejoice in that day, leap for joy, for your reward is great in heaven, because their fathers did the same to the prophets" Luke 6:22-23. Jesus also said, "If the world hates you, know that it hated me before it hated you" John 15:18. This censorship doesn't harm me, it is an affront to God. It infringes on the rights of those who would like to find the site and read it, but are not able to locate it due to censorship. This is obviously a telling sign that we are living in the last days before Christ returns. If I don't actually get my head chopped off before getting out of here, I will feel privileged. Many others will not be so blessed, according to the Word of God (Revelation 20:4).
If you enjoy this website, you may want to consider bookmarking it, or make a note of the URL for future reference, as it is getting harder and harder to find. If you are interested in protesting to your Congressman, Wikipedia has a link taking individuals to their Congressman's website via your zip code. If the link is gone, you can search for your "Congressman by zip code" in your search engine.
Google carries an advertisement contesting the bill, and Wikipedia issued a blackout on their page throughout the day Wednesday. Opponents say this bill infringes on First Amendment rights of free speech and that it will cripple the internet. Congress will debate this law in February. In the meantime, everyone is encouraged to contact their congressman to oppose the bill.
The bill is incognito. The true reason behind this bill is to stamp out what the government considers offensive and egregious to Muslims and atheists. There is an ongoing lawsuit right now in India, whereby internet giants Facebook and Google are being sued for the content of information allowed on their sites. The plaintiff has sued the websites for their failure to censor information considered to be offensive to "Muslims, Hindus and Christians." Google and Facebook are contesting, obviously because to police their website and search engine is an infringement on freedom of speech and will put some sites clear out of business due to their inability to censor on such a scale.
Here in America, since censorship is against our First Amendment right to freedom of speech and since the Obama administration has already been widely criticized for violating our Constitution already, the way to get around it is to pick another reason. It seems they thought copyright infringement was as good as they can get, without unveiling the fact that they want to do away with much more of our freedoms, like speech for instance. You would think that our administration would tell mature adult citizens that people have a right to publish their perspectives, without fear of being beheaded! No, that is too mature and intellectual for such brute beasts, instead they will use the terrorism crisis to say, "We have to censor the internet so people will not be harmed." That's ridiculous! Isn't that like - caving in to threats? In this FREE country, hasn't the message always been, "People have a right to express themselves (actually the truth - according to the Word of God in some cases) and if anyone doesn't like it, that's too bad! We all have to be mature adults here." No, this corrupt administration wants to use the "we need to protect you act" to put their foot on top of everyone's rights. What ever happened to, "Give me liberty, or give me death! - Patrick Henry.
Google is actually taking preemptive steps to comply with this administration's complaints about our offensiveness towards Muslim terrorists, by putting controversial sites, such as this one, so far at the end of the search list, no one can ever find it. Their excuse for doing this is stated as "security censorship" to avoid endangering the lives of others. This website,, has been taken from page ONE on Google search results and placed at the bottom of the barrel, about the 4 MILLIONTH hit for related searches. It is quite alright, because we are living in the last days and I don't expect better. If this website is taken from place #1 and moved to #4 million, it only reminds me of the words Jesus said, "Blessed are you when men hate you and separate their company from you, reproach you and cast out your name as evil for the Son of man's sake. Rejoice in that day, leap for joy, for your reward is great in heaven, because their fathers did the same to the prophets" Luke 6:22-23. Jesus also said, "If the world hates you, know that it hated me before it hated you" John 15:18. This censorship doesn't harm me, it is an affront to God. It infringes on the rights of those who would like to find the site and read it, but are not able to locate it due to censorship. This is obviously a telling sign that we are living in the last days before Christ returns. If I don't actually get my head chopped off before getting out of here, I will feel privileged. Many others will not be so blessed, according to the Word of God (Revelation 20:4).
If you enjoy this website, you may want to consider bookmarking it, or make a note of the URL for future reference, as it is getting harder and harder to find. If you are interested in protesting to your Congressman, Wikipedia has a link taking individuals to their Congressman's website via your zip code. If the link is gone, you can search for your "Congressman by zip code" in your search engine.
In : Destruction to the United States
Tags: "sopa" "stop online privacy act"