States Implement Anti-Detention Campaigns
Posted by L A on Wednesday, March 14, 2012 Under: Destruction to the United States
The National Defense Authorization Act would permit warrantless detention of US citizens, who might be described as "belligerents" by Washington, but the legislators are still debating. In the meantime, states aren't waiting for a final determination, reported WND.
The Virginia House passed overwhelmingly a bill to prevent any agency, political subdivision, employee, or member of the military of Virginia from assisting an agency of the armed forces of the United States in the conduct of the investigation, prosecution, or detention of a citizen in violation of the United States Constitution, the Constitution of Virginia, or any Virginia law or regulation.
Two days after the 96-4 vote on HB1160 in Virginia, the Arizona State Border Security, Federalism and State Sovereignty Committee approved on a 6-1 vote SB1182, which brings the bill to the verge of a full vote in the Senate, reported WND. The Arizona bill "prohibits this state and agencies of this state from participating in the implementation of sections 1021 and 1022 of the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) of 2012 and classifies the act of attempting to enforce or enforcing these sections as a class 1 misdemeanor."
The Tenth Amendment Center reported that lawmakers in Maryland, Oklahoma, Tennessee and Washington are also considering laws to counter the NDAA detention of US citizens. The resistance to the indefinite detention of US citizens without due process contained within the NDAA is not limited to states, The Tenth Amendment Center reported. "Six local governments have passed resolutions condemning sections 1021 and 1022 of the NDAA." The town Council of Mccomb, New York unanimously adopted such a statement and Fairfax, California, officials approved a resolution on a 4-1 vote. New Shoreham, Rhode Island and three other local governments in Colorado have adopted resolutions. Opinions vary on the legislation signed by Obama on New Year's Eve 2011. Commentator Chuck Baldwin explained the law, "For all intents and purposes, it completely nullifies a good portion of the Bill of Rights, turns the United States into a war zone, and places US citizens under military rule." The Department of Homeland Security issued a list of potential terrorists, including returning war veterans, those who oppose abortion, and other conservatives who pose a "danger to the United States."
So let's get this straight, our president mandates that the term "Islamic terrorist" be removed from our military terror training manuals, he consistently preaches about how "peace-loving and tolerant" Muslims are (which they are generally NOT), he pledged $3 billion dollars to Arab Spring nations (which are being overrun by the Muslim Brotherhood and Sharia law), and he sends $770 million dollars to the Middle East to refurbish Muslim mosques; the Department of Homeland Security says our veterans, Christians, and conservatives who oppose abortion are all potential terrorists, and Obama signs a bill into law which gives him the dictatorial power to arrest and detain US citizens without due process - indefinitely. Is it just me, or have the real terrorists been given the "right hand of fellowship" by Barack Obama, but the true peace-loving citizens of the US have been dubbed potential terrorists? Something isn't quite right here. I see US citizens fading in that "new horizon" Obama has on his logo and Muslim terrorists rising in this country - courtesy of Barrack Hussein Obama!
Do you see the handwriting on the wall, friends? This bill was not implemented because Obama and his cronies had nothing better to do with their time - Obama has a plan. His plan is to ultimately arrest and detain anyone who dissents against his dictatorial socialist government on the rise. After he incites civil unrest with his destructive plans for this nation, then he can declare Martial Law. In other words, he is going to incite the citizens of this nation with his spending and planning to collapse the economy, then he is going to have all of the dissenters arrested. Do you think this is absurd and it's never happened before? Hitler caused civil unrest on purpose before he had the Jews and many others arrested. It is all spelled out in the Word of God, "He causes all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond to receive a mark in their right hands or in their foreheads, that no man may buy or sell, except he who has the mark, or the name of the beast (Antichrist), or the number of his name. Here is wisdom. Let him who has understanding count the number of the beast, for it is the number of a man and his number is six hundred, sixty-six" Revelation 13:16-18.
The Virginia House passed overwhelmingly a bill to prevent any agency, political subdivision, employee, or member of the military of Virginia from assisting an agency of the armed forces of the United States in the conduct of the investigation, prosecution, or detention of a citizen in violation of the United States Constitution, the Constitution of Virginia, or any Virginia law or regulation.
Two days after the 96-4 vote on HB1160 in Virginia, the Arizona State Border Security, Federalism and State Sovereignty Committee approved on a 6-1 vote SB1182, which brings the bill to the verge of a full vote in the Senate, reported WND. The Arizona bill "prohibits this state and agencies of this state from participating in the implementation of sections 1021 and 1022 of the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) of 2012 and classifies the act of attempting to enforce or enforcing these sections as a class 1 misdemeanor."
The Tenth Amendment Center reported that lawmakers in Maryland, Oklahoma, Tennessee and Washington are also considering laws to counter the NDAA detention of US citizens. The resistance to the indefinite detention of US citizens without due process contained within the NDAA is not limited to states, The Tenth Amendment Center reported. "Six local governments have passed resolutions condemning sections 1021 and 1022 of the NDAA." The town Council of Mccomb, New York unanimously adopted such a statement and Fairfax, California, officials approved a resolution on a 4-1 vote. New Shoreham, Rhode Island and three other local governments in Colorado have adopted resolutions. Opinions vary on the legislation signed by Obama on New Year's Eve 2011. Commentator Chuck Baldwin explained the law, "For all intents and purposes, it completely nullifies a good portion of the Bill of Rights, turns the United States into a war zone, and places US citizens under military rule." The Department of Homeland Security issued a list of potential terrorists, including returning war veterans, those who oppose abortion, and other conservatives who pose a "danger to the United States."
So let's get this straight, our president mandates that the term "Islamic terrorist" be removed from our military terror training manuals, he consistently preaches about how "peace-loving and tolerant" Muslims are (which they are generally NOT), he pledged $3 billion dollars to Arab Spring nations (which are being overrun by the Muslim Brotherhood and Sharia law), and he sends $770 million dollars to the Middle East to refurbish Muslim mosques; the Department of Homeland Security says our veterans, Christians, and conservatives who oppose abortion are all potential terrorists, and Obama signs a bill into law which gives him the dictatorial power to arrest and detain US citizens without due process - indefinitely. Is it just me, or have the real terrorists been given the "right hand of fellowship" by Barack Obama, but the true peace-loving citizens of the US have been dubbed potential terrorists? Something isn't quite right here. I see US citizens fading in that "new horizon" Obama has on his logo and Muslim terrorists rising in this country - courtesy of Barrack Hussein Obama!
Do you see the handwriting on the wall, friends? This bill was not implemented because Obama and his cronies had nothing better to do with their time - Obama has a plan. His plan is to ultimately arrest and detain anyone who dissents against his dictatorial socialist government on the rise. After he incites civil unrest with his destructive plans for this nation, then he can declare Martial Law. In other words, he is going to incite the citizens of this nation with his spending and planning to collapse the economy, then he is going to have all of the dissenters arrested. Do you think this is absurd and it's never happened before? Hitler caused civil unrest on purpose before he had the Jews and many others arrested. It is all spelled out in the Word of God, "He causes all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond to receive a mark in their right hands or in their foreheads, that no man may buy or sell, except he who has the mark, or the name of the beast (Antichrist), or the number of his name. Here is wisdom. Let him who has understanding count the number of the beast, for it is the number of a man and his number is six hundred, sixty-six" Revelation 13:16-18.
In : Destruction to the United States
Tags: "us states and local governments start anti-detention campaigns"