Truth = hate crimes, according to Hate Crimes legislature. Another Constitutional right "bites the dust" in America.
Google stopped crawling recent posts on the PropheticNewsletter. Several weeks ago, you could Google Prophetic Newsletter and this site would be on the first page. Now, it is nowhere to be found after repeated attempts. Some engines are still bringing it up, but apparently Google has censored this site. That doesn't shock me. With the 2009 "Hate Crimes" legislature, the powers that be intend to do away with the freedom of speech, at least when it comes to Biblical truths that is. Laws against Hate Crimes sounds good, right? It sounds as if innocent people will be protected against criminal acts. What the Hate Crimes legislature includes is censorship against those who simply preach or teach what the Bible says against homosexuality and such sins. There are those who intend to prosecute pastors, evangelists, or witnesses who preach and teach Bible doctrine in America, if it is condemnatory against people who commit certain sins. It is coming...
If you are able to search this website and find it, I thank God. This site is being censored now by at least Google and possibly others. Simply stating some Biblical truths is now considered a "hate crime" by certain lawmakers the US and it is going to get much worse here, as we draw nearer to the Lord's return. Jesus said, "You will be hated of all men for My name's sake" Luke 21:17. "If the world hates you, you know that it hated Me before it hated you" John 15:18. The religious leaders of His day, crucified Jesus for telling the TRUTH. He said, the world will hate us too. I count it a privilege to be hated for the cause of Christ.
In : Christian Persecution
"hate crimes legislature violates first amendment"