Suicidal Children
Posted by L A on Wednesday, October 31, 2012 Under: Distress of People and Nations
I can't say exactly how many articles relating to suicide in young children and teens because of bullying I have come across in recent months, but I can tell you this much, there has been one too many. There are actually so many, it's sickening.
This tragedy among children, yes, even small children, has been occurring in recent years in record numbers and there are no words to describe how horrible it is. I can't fathom why in the world children allow other kids to affect them so badly that they would take their own life. The subject has infuriated me and disgusted me to the point that I decided to do some research, praying that my statements here may help someone.
I was anguished to learn today that a seven-year-old boy committed suicide in Denver, CO, in May of this year, only seven years old! His parents had recently divorced, but what was equally devastating was the fact that children at his school relentlessly teased him. It's hard in this case to say what the breaking point was, but the teasing contributed and bullying has been attributed to many suicides among children and young teens, especially in the last two years. News stories are all over the internet about children 10, 11, 12..., killing themselves!
I considered, even as a young child, how cruel and disgusting some kids were and decided they weren't worth even my consideration. Kids really tried to hurt me, because I was a loner, so they picked on me terribly and called me all sorts of names. As soon as they found out they couldn't get a rise out of me, or even a concerned look, they gave up. This attitude in me went far beyond my own ability, which I will explain.
I had the kind of parents who told me I could do anything I put my hands to do, by the grace of God. I had the type of mother who told me that God created me, He loved me and He had great plans for my future. Those facts molded my entire life and my way of thinking. I didn't always do what was right in life, I have sinned, but what my mother taught me, never left me, and I always returned to the right path.
The Word of God says, "Train up a child in the way he should go and when he is old, he will not depart from it" Proverbs 22:6. I can tell you by my own experience that this scripture is so very true. It was also true for my own son, and it has been true for my brother and sister.
Parents, the most important thing you can do for your children, for their future and for their eternal soul, is train them in the admonition of the Lord, train them in God's Word; also make sure they know how much you love them, how much you care for them and believe God to bless them. We should never neglect to tell our children how very much God loves them, cares for them, and that He has good plans for them. Time spent encouraging your children in the Lord, praying over them, blessing them, and giving them the assurance of your own love and acceptance - unconditionally - will have a lasting affect on them their entire lives, in fact, it will affect them eternally.
The Jews placed their hands upon the heads of their children and blessed them, saying and praying blessings over them, in accordance with God's will and His ways. These blessings, made before God, in faith, always came to pass and they never failed. Read Genesis 27:30 and Genesis 49:28. There are many more passages showing how Godly fathers laid their hands on the heads of their children and blessed them, and the scriptures reveal that God honored those prayers and blessed the children with the blessings proclaimed by their fathers. This is a principle that works and should be used by every parent, in faith, so their children can be blessed, according to the Word of God.
Children who are cruel, bully other kids, yell and cuss at them, are so pathetic; and when you really understand how pathetic they are, it takes away much of the anger and hurt. Can you imagine a kid bullying, hitting, yelling, cussing at other kids, who also goes home to kind, thoughtful, loving and attentive parents, who encourage their children and tell them how much God loves them? It generally doesn't happen. These kids are neglected and often treated in the same manner at home, or worse, than they treat other kids. By far, those are the statistics. Something is drastically wrong with the emotional well-being of that child. Few kids who are violent have loving, kind, God-fearing parents; but when they do, you can believe the parents of that child have neglected to stop and give him or her the time they really need. Those loving parents, who have violent children, often busy themselves with work, taking care of the house and other projects, and maybe even volunteer in a church, but fail to give their kids the type of quality time, prayer and instruction they need. It happens, and those kids suffer sometimes just as much as the physically or verbally abused children.
If someone is heartbroken out there because you have suffered verbal and physical abuse from bullies, just remember how neglected and pitiful they are and it can help you to put the problem into the proper perspective. If someone is cutting you down, making fun of you, or threatening you, just realize that that person, no doubt, receives the same kind of treatment at home from their parents, or "caregiver." If they are one of the few exceptions, even then, they are generally ignored and neglected in some critical way, which can be just as damaging to them. Don't suffer this abuse alone; tell your parents and the school administration; seek out those who will help.
Nothing like this is worth suffering alone or hurting yourself for. I dare say, if you actually don't have parents who care, I can promise you this, God cares for you! He really does. He created you and He loves you more than you will ever know. God's Word says, "Cast your care upon Him (God), for He cares for you" 1 Peter 5:7. I challenge you to pray, sincerely pray, to God and ask Him to remove your problem, and He will. There is no doubt in my mind, because Jesus said, "To this point, you haven't asked anything in My name: ask, and you will receive, that your joy may be full" John 16:24. Give God a chance, before you do anything else, give God a chance. Ask God to remove your problem, because you know He loves and cares for you. Pray that prayer in Jesus's name, because that is critical in receiving your answer. It is scriptural. As we pray, we should never fail to do our part. Find someone who will listen and tell them about the bullying - take a stand against it, not only for your own sake, but for a lot of other kids who are suffering too.
The fact is that, if someone doesn't reach these kids who bully and if they continue on an evil, hateful path, they will one day end up in a burning, fiery hell forever; that's right, forever. Feel sorry for them, and know that sooner or later, if they don't get help and if they don't change, they are going to pay the ultimate, eternal price for their actions.
Some people may not like that statement and there are some who think it's appalling to talk that way about kids, even after they are grown. Think what you want, and think what you want about me, but it's the truth and it happens to be the Word of God. That's the premise of what is wrong with the world today, not many people want to face the hard core truth. People run from the truth all the time, and shade the truth over with their "candy coated" lifestyles and their "white washed" cover-ups, but guess what? It is what it is.
Mean, hateful kids, if they never change or get the help they need, grow up to be mean, hateful and quite evil adults, and as sure as the sun rises in the east, hateful, evil people are going to end up in hell fire. Hate the truth and the deliverer if you like, but it's in the Word of God: "Through covetousness shall they, with feigned words, make merchandise of you, whose judgment now for a long time will not linger and their damnation will not slumber; for if God spared not the angels that sinned, but cast them down to hell and delivered them into chains of darkness to be reserved for judgment...the Lord knows how to deliver the Godly out of temptations, and to reserve the unjust unto the day of judgment to be punished" 2 Peter 2:3,4,9. "The Son of man shall send forth His angels and shall gather out of His kingdom all things that offend, and those who do iniquity, and shall cast them into a furnace of fire; there shall be wailing and gnashing of teeth" Matthew 13:41-42. Well, for those of you who believe these types of scriptures are metaphors, I can only say that I don't believe metaphors "wail and gnash their teeth."
It all boils down to living a Godly life, because, as the scriptures say (above), God knows how to deliver the Godly. Are you distressed? Look to the Lord; He loves you, and He sent His Son, Jesus, to die for our sins, so we can be blessed and receive eternal life. No problem is too big for God! My son has a plaque he kept in his room for many years, until he passed on to be with the Lord. Now, I keep it in my kitchen. It says, "Before you go to bed, give your troubles to God; He will be up all night anyway." It's really true.
If you aren't saved, please visit the How Can I Be Saved page of this website. God loves you and He cares for you. Won't you come to really know Him? Salvation is easy - it's only a prayer away. God bless you.
In : Distress of People and Nations
Tags: "suicidal children" "bullying"