Ten Most Deadly Animals on the Planet
Posted by Leisa Amorosa on Thursday, December 15, 2011 Under: Signs in the Earth
Black mamba snake
#1 Snakes kill 50,000+ per year
The African Black Mamba Kills Tens of Thousands Every Year: DailyMail.co.uk: A British student training to be a safari guide in South Africa died less than an hour after being bitten by a black mamba snake. Nathan Layton, 28, did not realize he had been bitten while helping to capture the reptile at the college where he and his girlfriend were studying. Within an hour, he complained of blurred vision, collapsed and suffered a cardiac arrest. He was pronounced dead at the scene. The African black mamba is widely regarded as the deadliest snake on the planet, killing tens of thousands every year.
* Cobras kill more people in India, China, Vietnam, Malaysia and Thailand.
Deathstalker scorpion
#2 Scorpions kill 5,000+ per year
Of all the deaths caused by scorpions each year, the deadliest scorpion is the Deathstalker and it is responsible for over 75% of deaths. The reasons so many people die from scorpions is because they like to dwell near homes and are often times found in shoes or clothes, which causes people to come in close contact, or step on them. Be sure to check your clothes and shoes if you live in, or plan to visit, northern Africa or the Middle East.
Nile crocodile
#3 Crocodiles kill 2,000+ per year
The most dangerous crocodiles are Saltwater and Nile Crocodiles, which are easily provoked and show no fear towards humans. These crocodiles are typically found in the southern parts of Asia, Australia, and throughout Africa.
Elephant rampages are more common in India.
#4 Elephants kill 500+ per year
The elephant can easily crush anyone that stands in its way, which is why an angry elephant is one of the most dangerous of all animals. Many of the deaths caused by elephants are attributed to younger males that are wild and more aggressive, which raid small villages, particularly in India and Sri Lanka during the night.
Hippo rampage
#5 Hippos kill 300+ per year
Easily frightened and extremely aggressive, hippos will not hesitate to attack a human, especially if one of its young babies is near. Hippos pose a greater threat to those living in the continent of Africa.
Domesticated lions are becoming more unpredictable.
#6 Lions kill 200+ per year
While most lions aren't man-eaters, the ones that do prey on humans are usually larger, older males whose teeth have decayed and require something easier to kill, such as humans. Lions roam freely in Africa, India and the Middle East.
Box jellyfish
#7 Jellyfish kill 100+ per year
The Box Jellyfish is said to be the most toxic of all jellyfish and a sting from them can easily kill a human because their venom leads to paralysis, which often leads to drowning. The majority of jellyfish stings occur in the Atlantic Ocean (near Florida) and along the eastern coast of Australia.
Shark attack
#8 Sharks kill 10-20 per year
Maybe its the multiple rows of dagger-sharp teeth, or the size of their huge mouths which can swallow you whole that makes sharks one of the most dangerous predators. The most prominent areas affected by shark attacks are in the United States: Florida, California, Texas and Hawaii.
#9 Tigers kill 5-15 per year
Most man-eating tigers are old and missing teeth, which leads them to acquiring a taste for humans because of their inability to capture preferred prey. Most attacks take place in Bangladesh, where the human population has impeded the natural habitat of tigers.
Brown bear
#10 Bears kill 5-10 per year
If you go camping in the woods, be sure to lock up your food in air tight containers and hang it in a tree - away from your tent or camping shelter. Never keep food with you in your car or tent, for bears can easily tear down the doors of a car, wreaking havoc and killing people for food. Areas most populated with bears include the mountain ares of Canada and the United States.
Source: Animaldanger.com
Commentary: Among insects, the World Health Organization (WHO) estimates that mosquitoes cause about 200,000 illnesses per year and 30,000 deaths. These trends will become far worse in the near future. The Bible says, "I looked and beheld a pale (green in the original Greek) horse and the name of him who sat on the horse was Death, and hell followed with him. Power was given to them over a fourth part of the earth to kill with the sword, with hunger, with death, and with the beasts of the earth" Revelation 6:8. This will happen during the seven-year tribulation period, after God's people have been caught up to meet the Lord (1 Thessalonians 4:17). This will be one part of God's wrath poured out on the ungodly who still inhabit the earth. It will be a time of righteous judgment upon the wicked, who have refused to receive Jesus as their Savior during this time of grace we live in now. This horrific time will soon come upon all the earth and the Word of God says, "Then will be great tribulation, such as was not since the beginning of the world to this time, nor ever will be" Matthew 24:21. Have you received Jesus as your Lord and Savior? He came down from heaven, was born among men, and died a "sinner's death" to pay the ransom for you and me, so we would not have to suffer the consequences of our sins. We need only receive this free gift and surrender our lives to the Lord. If you aren't saved and you want to escape God's wrath, please visit the How Can I Be Saved page of this website. God bless you.
In : Signs in the Earth
Tags: "the most deadly animals on the planet" "animals that kill the most people"