Tensions Rise In Jerusalem
Posted by Leisa Amorosa on Friday, June 3, 2011 Under: Protests and Riots
Israel Today: As they have every year for the past 44 years, Israeli Jews on Wednesday marched through the streets of central Jerusalem waiving Israeli flags and celebrating the unification of their ancient capital. The path of the annual parade takes marchers through or near to several Arab-dominated neighborhoods, as it closely follows the partition line that divided Jerusalem from 1948 - 1967. Most years, the parade is a peaceful exercise and the celebrating Jews and local Arabs rarely clash in any significant way. This year was different. With the international community increasingly backing Arab demands regarding the future control of Jerusalem, tensions were high on Wednesday as the estimated 40,000 Israelis made their way toward and through Jerusalem's Old City. Those local Arabs who support eastern Jerusalem becoming the capital of a Palestinian state (not all of them do) saw the Israeli march as a statement that the Jewish state has no intention of meeting Arab demands. At least one local Arab described the march as a "provocation," ignoring the fact that the Jews have been praying for 2,000 years for their return to Jerusalem. While violence was kept to a minimum, thanks to a large police force, there were three injuries as groups of Israeli Jews and Arabs clashed. At least 24 people were arrested. In some areas, Arab counter-demonstrations were joined by leftist Israeli Jews who support surrendering Jerusalem to the Palestinian Authority.
My Comments: President Obama is largely to blame for inciting more uprisings and hostility towards Israel by surrounding Arabs and Muslims throughout the world, as he preempted Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu's speech before the US Congress on May 24th, and made inflammatory statements such as, "Americans want Israel to return to the 1967 borders," and he termed Israel's West Bank settlements as an "occupation." The US government sends $500 million a year (of bankrupt America's tax dollars) to the Palestinian Authority - bad enough; but now Obama's administration has thumbed their nose in America's face by embracing Hamas, the terrorist organization committed to destroying Israel! (excerpted from ACLJ flyer). Who is Hamas? * They are the ones who praised Osama bin Laden as a hero. * They rebuked the US for eliminating bin Laden. * They are committed to the annihilation of the Jews. * They recently shot a missile into an Israeli school bus. * They are so reviled, even the Palestinian Fatah party kept them at arm's length for four years, but now Fatah and Hamas are united. Come September, the United Nations will actually vote on where to recognize a Palestinian State - Hamas and all! You have to know what spiritual condition the Obama administration and the UN are in when the support terrorists such as these. I sometimes wonder why God doesn't destroy them all; but then I am reminded of how the Lord allowed Pharaoh of Egypt to continue for a time (and because of his sore treatment of the Jews, the Lord Himself even hardened Pharaoh's own heart, until the day of judgment, when they were all drowned). Judgment Day is coming soon; are you ready?
In : Protests and Riots
Tags: "unification celebration of jerusalem" "celebration of jerusalem"