What if this was your child?
 Telegraph.co.uk (excerpts):  Ethiopia - It is a long walk from Fini village to Dadaab, the Kenyan refugee camp now the focus of attempts to save millions of people from starving to death in the Horn of Africa.  In Fini, a place so small it appears on no maps, there are no visitors.  This cluster of three dozen stick-built shacks, bisected by a sandy track rarely passed by traffic, is growing daily as more and more people trek in from the wilderness.  They are here to find help, but almost nothing has come.  The Daily Telegraph was told again and again during two days in areas of northern Kenya, still largely untouched by the millions of pounds given to aid agencies latest appeals.  No one is bringing food, medicines, or offers to buy their few remaining goats.  The little food that people have hoarded is shared around ever more mouths.  Children are already weak and falling sick with potentially deadly diarrhea.  The only outside help has been water trucked in daily since December by World Vision, a Christian charity.  Those supplies end on Friday because the money needed to cover costs has run out.  "There have been droughts before, but then people came to assist us.  There was food available, even the animals were helped," said Dekow Farah, 49, an elder who arrived a month ago with his two wives and nine children.  

My Comments:  Many people would say, "The Africans have too many children; I'm not going to help them."  I have heard people say that.  Walid Shoebat, former PLO terrorist (converted Christian), in his book "God's War on Terror," gives a bit of history behind Islam.  When Mohammed started his little band of Muslims, there were not many converts; until he authorized his followers to plunder Jewish villages, killing the men and taking their possessions, but saving the women as sex slaves, in the name of Allah.  His following grew like wildfire after that.  This religion is based on covetousness, conquest and sexual promiscuity.  Since the Muslim population is vast throughout Africa, I venture to say that the village elder referred to in this article is probably a Muslim.  Nevertheless, whether he is a Muslim or not, polygamy and overpopulation in this underdeveloped country is a great problem, especially when there is no food and water.  Albeit, it is never justifiable to withhold food and water to thirsty and hungry people, if we have the ability to help, regardless of who is at fault - people are suffering.  There are also many thousands of children involved in this crisis who have done nothing wrong, they are just hungry, thirsty and suffering, regardless of fault.  Please visit the Famine page of this website to find out more about this crisis and how you can give to World Vision.  World Vision is a Christian organization, which uses only a very limited amount of contributions for their costs.  Aid workers and medical personnel are all unpaid volunteers and most of your donations go directly to the cause.  I highly recommend this organization, if you wish to help.  Jesus said, "I was hungry and you gave Me no meat; I was thirsty and you gave Me nothing to drink; I was a stranger and you did not take Me in; naked and you did not clothe Me; sick and in prison and you did not visit Me.  Then they will answer Him, saying, 'Lord, when did we see You hungry, thirsty, a stranger, naked, sick, or in prison and did not minister to You?  Then, He will answer them, saying, 'Truthfully, I tell you, as you did not do it for the least of these, you did not do it for Me.'  These will go away into everlasting punishment, but the righteous into eternal life." Matthew 25:43-46