The Torah Code
Posted by L A on Tuesday, January 22, 2013 Under: Prophecy
Truths extracted from the Torah Code by Professor Eliyahu Rips not only reveal recent events, such as the terrorist attacks on 9/11 and the fall of Osama bin Laden, they reveal events that will happen in the very near future, 2013-14.
Harold Gans, who was employed 28 years with the US Department of Defense National Security Agency as a Senior Logic Mathematician and Crypt Analyst (in other words, a professional code breaker), researched the Torah Code with his own computer program and came up with the same information as Professor Rips in Israel.
I have imbedded a link to a short seven minute video clip about the Torah Code. Among those interviewed are also Rabbi Glazerson, Marshall Masters, former CNN Science Producer and Professor Robert Haralick, Professor of Computer Science, City University of New York, specialist in probability pattern recognition. The video is narrated by LA Marzulli, author and lecturer.
An experiment was conducted in the late 1980s, called the Great Rabbis Experiment. The names of great Rabbis over the centuries, with their dates of birth and death, were encoded in the Book of Genesis. The US Stock Market crash of 2008 is encoded in the Torah. The Torah Code also reveals a global economic collapse, which begins in 2012 and expands in 2013-14. These experts on the Torah Code report that the encoded information reveals this will be a time of redemption as well (the return of Yeshua - Jesus!).
Are you ready for the return of the Lord? Are you ready to stand before Him and give an account of the life you have lived on this earth? If not, please visit the How Can I Be Saved page of this website. There is no time to lose! God bless you.
This is a link to a seven minute video about the Torah Code findings:
In : Prophecy
Tags: "torah code" "the bible code" "the torah code"