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The House Appropriations Committee is drafting legislation that will allow the government to pay death benefits to families of troops killed in action during the government shutdown.

The public was outraged, and rightfully so, when five servicemembers were killed in Afghanistan over the weekend, but the families were not paid!

Troops aren’t getting paid during the shutdown and grieving families of the dead are not getting paid benefits!

Barack Obama is getting paid during the government shutdown, as is Congress.

The House Appropriations Committee, nevertheless, are preparing a bill ASAP to ensure that bereaved families are paid for the deaths of their loved ones.

Albeit, Barack Obama has not agreed to sign the bill. In fact, he had some very snide comments to say, when questioned about signing such bills.

Obama said, “What you’ve seen are bills that come up wherever Republicans are feeling political pressure, they put a bill forward. And if there’s no political heat, if there’s no television story on it, then nothing happens. And if we do some sort of shotgun approach like that, then you’ll have some programs that are highly visible get funded and reopened, like national monuments, but things that don’t get a lot of attention, like SBA (Small Business Association) loans, not being funded. And, you know, we don’t get to select which programs we implement or not. You know, there are a whole bunch of things that the Republicans have said are law that we have to do…But you don’t do a piecemeal approach like that when you’re dealing with a government shutdown, OK?” he said.

Yea, sure, OK, we sure do understand what you are saying, Barack Obama. As long as your children aren’t grieving and begging for food in the streets, as long as Barack gets paid during the shutdown, hay, everything needs to stay shut down during a shutdown! Yes, we hear loud and clear that you have no mercy, not even for the bereaved of our military deceased, who die protecting this nation!

The liberal speaks villainy, pure evil. 

Not to mention the fact that Obama promised to bring troops home from Afghanistan as soon as he was elected, “You can take that to the bank,” he said; but instead, he sent thousands more troops within the first 30 days of his election.

Our young servicemen are still dying over there – needlessly (because it is a useless war and nothing has changed), but he doesn’t even want to approve a death benefit to their bereaved families. How can a person do a thing like that? How can a person say such things, yet continue to receive government monies themselves? A vile devil can do it.

This one has the spirit of antichrist and he is showing his true callous here.

“The vile person shall no more be called liberal, nor the churl said to be bountiful; for the vile person will speak villainy and his heart will work iniquity, to practice hypocrisy and to utter error against the Lord, to make empty the soul of the hungry and he will cause the drink of the thirsty to fail” Isaiah 32:5-6.

This is a very good description of Barack Obama. Notice that even thousands of years ago, the prophet Isaiah said such men would be called “liberal.” However, just as the prophecy says, we are beginning to see them not as “liberals,” but for the wicked devils they really are.

We are living in the last days, friends, and perilous times are ahead of us socially, economically and spiritually throughout the world.

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