3/26/11, BBC News: Thousands march in the streets of London to protest government cuts in social services. I suppose it would be asking too much for the crown family to give up some perks, excessive incomes, a few castles, or crown jewels. I wonder how much the upcoming wedding is going to cost? Employees in London already pay 31%, yes 31% of their earnings to tax! I don't know about you, but I couldn't live on 69% of my income; I can barely get by on 95%. On top of that, sales tax is set to increase from 15% to 17.5% later this year! Such catastrophes are set to hit the US due to our own national debt. The Bible tells us "Watch ye therefore, and pray always, that ye may be accounted worthy to escape all these things that shall come to pass and to stand before the Son of Man" Luke 21:36. I can tell you that if such taxes are levied here, and economists say they will, there are going to be a lot more people living in tents in America. We already have tent cities in Sacramento, CA; St Petersburg, FL; and other areas throughout America! To view what is happening in America first hand, please go to the News Videos page at this website to see actual videos of tent cities akin to scenes right out of the great depression!
In : Economic Crisis
"economic crisis" "end times" "last days" "tent cities in america"