4/21/11, ABC World News: Today I read of five deaths and two attempted murders committed by teens in different states throughout the nation, all on ABC World News today!
My Comments: Teen violence is rampant throughout the nation, and possibly the world. Kids pierce themselves, tattoo themselves and many are even killing themselves in the day and hour in which we live. Many kids who are raised by Godless people, without Bible training and are not taught about how much God loves them and how they, in turn, should love one another, seem to have no conscience and appear to be lost in society. The two 14-year-old girls who hanged themselves together at one of the girls homes, left suicide notes detailing how they were bullied at school by other kids and they were so despondent they didn't want to live. In a separate incident, another boy in Minnesota hanged himself in the garage after being bullied by vicious children at school. These kids attended public schools, where children are still being taught that we evolved from apes. Hmmm, I suppose that might explain why some of them are acting like animals! I could go on and on about how the public schools have kicked God and prayer out of schools, and they are now teaching acceptance of homosexual lifestyles to elementary school children, etc, etc, but I will forgo all of that and just say this: If you have your children enrolled in public schools today, this is another very good reason why you need to pray and focus on getting your children out of there, quick! For those of you who think you can't because home education or private school is just not possible, I have one other thing to say: God is still in the miracle working business! I invite you to read the Home Education page on this website for more information.
In : Distress of People and Nations
"teen suicide" "teen murders" "children killing each other" "home education"