, 3/21/11: The State Department is refusing to block United Nations nuclear technology aid to countries that are on the US list of state sponsors of terrorism because it "does not want to set back other countries in their programs." The US provides 20 million of our tax dollars a year to help finance the International Atomic Energy Agency, which promotes peaceful use of nuclear energy. Although some IAEA funds have gone to countries that could use nuclear technology for weapons, Congress' watchdog warns. Neither the State Department nor IAEA have sought to limit the so- called technical cooperation (TC) aid to terror linked nations such as Cuba, Iran, Sudan, and Syria. These four nations received 55 million in TC assistance from 1997 - 2007, the State Department reported.
The bottom line is this, Iran's president, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, rants and raves on national television like a maniac out of control, consistently saying that he is going to "wipe Israel off the face of the map," but this administration doesn't want to impede Iran's nuclear program. Hello, is anyone home? Forget the UN, they are already gone.... Has Satan literally taken the brains out of our administration and are they now operating on "Satanic drive?" Unbelievable! Actually, I take that back, it is believable, because the scriptures already tell us that we are headed for a time of "tribulation such as was not since the beginning of the world to this time, nor ever shall be" Matthew 24:21. That means that the holocaust will not compare to the magnitude of what is headed our way! That's almost unbelievable, but the Word says it, so it is true.
In : Socialist America
"un funds iran's nuclear power backed by us tax dollars"