4/18/11, Fox News:  Syria is scheduled to be elected next month to the UN's top "human rights body" and Iran is on the UN's top "women's rights body."  Syria's government, accused of shooting peaceful protesters, is bidding at the United Nations for a seat on the Geneva-based Human Rights Council, less than a month after Libya was suspended for attaching demonstrators.  More than 90 people have been killed in Syria as the government cracked down on dissent.

4/18/11, RightTruth.typepad.com:  Iran has officially become a member of the UN Commission on the Status of Women (CSW).  Although Iranian women are subjected to blatant discrimination and oppression, the Islamic Republic will now help set UN policies on the advancement of women. 

My Comments:  There is an agenda going on here.  Muslims are rising up all over the world and many radicals are declaring "Jihad" (holy war) throughout the nations.  Now they are infiltrating the UN with their Sharia laws, while the world sleeps!  These things are all foretold in the Word of God and the world will see a dictator arise from the UN, the Antichrist, in the very near future.  His days will be short though.  Isaiah 5:20 "Woe unto them that call good evil and evil good, that put darkness for light and light for darkness, that put bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter!"