Image Credit: NASA Goddard MODIS Rapid Response Team

A record-breaking category 5 super typhoon Haiyan hit the Philippines, touching ground on Thursday and passing through the central Philippines on Friday.

An administrator for the City of Tacloban in central Philippines said the death toll could reach 10,000, and hundreds of thousands have been displaced from their homes.

Defense Secretary Volteire Gazmin said, "All systems are down; there is no power, no water, nothing. People are desperate, they're looting."

The typhoon is heading toward Viet Nam and is expected to make landfall there Sunday morning.

We need to pray for those devastated in the Philippines and those who are in the path of this very strong super storm, as it hits Viet Nam. We should pray that people who aren’t saved will call on the name of the Lord for salvation, and for His help. Sadly, many will not turn to God, except when tragedy happens.

Almost every home was destroyed in Tacloban, a city of 200,000; there were very few homes left sanding. More than 100 bodies were found lying out in the streets of the city, reported Philippine authorities.

More bodies are washing into shore and one man was seen walking through town carrying his six-year-old daughter, who had drowned.

It is believed about 4 million people were affected by the super storm.

Many of the devastated are the poorest among poor, just as we saw when another rare category 5 cyclone hit India last month. Photos taken of the aftermath in the Philippines show hut roofs and the remnants of poorly structured shelters lying on the ground, a familiar sight among the India photos. An image of a flooded, demolished church shows dead bodies wrapped in blankets, lying on the pews and floor.

We need to give what we can to help and pray for these victims. Many have not only lost so much, if not everything, but they are also grieving for their dead. World Vision is right on the scene to help and will appreciate any donation, large or small, to help those devastated in the Philippines. You can make a secure donation through this link, or directly at their website,

The category 5 super storm brought up to 19’ waves and winds close to 200 mph. One resident said she thought a tidal wave was coming because the waves were so high.

The Word of God tells us that there will be signs in the earth and heaven in the last days. Throughout history there have been devastating storms, but rarely do we see as many record-breaking storms and floods as we have witnessed during the last few years.

A category 5 cyclone, Phailin, hit India only last month. Category 5 storms are extremely rare, yet another one hit the Philippines on Thursday and is expected to have already made landfall in Viet Nam by the time this article is published.

The Word of God says,

“Behold, the Lord has a mighty strong one, which as a tempest of hail and a destroying storm, as a flood of mighty waters overflowing, shall cast down to earth with the hand” Isaiah 28:2.

“You will be visited of the Lord of hosts with thunder, earthquake and great noise, with storm and tempest, and a flame of devouring fire” Isaiah 29:6.

These are warning signs that the worst is yet to come, if people do not seek the Lord their God and pray for salvation. The great tribulation, the wrath of God soon to come, will be poured out upon the wicked, but the righteous will escape.

Jesus said,

"There shall be signs in the sun, the moon and stars, and upon the earth distress of nations with perplexity, the sea and the waves roaring" Luke 21:25.

"Watch, therefore, and pray always, that you may be accounted worthy to escape all these things that shall come to pass and to stand before the Son of Man" Luke 21:36.

Are you prepared to stand before God and give an account of the life you have lived on this earth? If not, please visit the How Can I Be Saved page of this website. Your eternal destiny depends on it. God bless you.