(excerpts):  A federal appeals court in Atlanta ruled Friday that a provision in President Obama's health care law requiring citizens to buy health insurance is unconstitutional, but the court didn't strike down the rest of the law.  The decision is a major setback for the White House, which had appealed a ruling by a lower court judge who struck down the entire law in January; but in that another appeals court in Cincinnati has upheld the law, it is increasingly clear that the Supreme Court will have the final say.  "We strongly disagree with the decision and we are confident it will not stand," White House spokeswoman Stephanie Cutter said in a statement.  On Friday, the divided three-judge panel of the 11th Circuit Court of Appeals sided with 26 states that filed a lawsuit to block Obama's signature domestic initiative.  The panel said that Congress exceeded its constitutional authority by requiring Americans to buy insurance or face penalties.  "This economic mandate presents a wholly novel and potentially unbounded assertion of congressional authority," the panel said in a majority opinion.  The majority also said that a basic objective of the law is to "make health insurance coverage accessible and thereby reduce the number of uninsured persons."  Without the individual mandate, the majority said the law "retains many other provisions that help to accomplish some of the same objectives as the individual mandate."  The decision is a review of a sweeping ruling by a Florida judge, who not only struck down a requirement that nearly all Americans carry health insurance, but he also threw out other provisions ranging from Medicare discounts for some seniors to a change that allows adult children up to age 26 to remain on their parents' coverage.  The states urged the 11th Circuit to uphold US District Judge Roger Vinson's ruling, saying in a court filing that letting the law stand would set a troubling precedent that would "imperil individual liberty, render Congress's other enumerated powers superfluous, and allow Congress to usurp the general police power reserved to the states."  The Justice Department countered that Congress had the power to require that most people buy health insurance or face tax penalties because Congress has the authority to regulate interstate business.  It said the legislative branch was exercising its "quintessential" rights when it adopted the new law.  During oral arguments in June, the three-judge panel repeatedly asked questions about the overhaul and expressed unease with the insurance requirement.  Each of the three worried aloud if upholding the landmark law could open the door to Congress adopting other sweeping economic mandates.  The arguments unfolded in what's considered one of the nations most conservative appeals courts; but the randomly selected panel represents different judicial perspectives.  None of the three is considered a stalwart conservative or an unfaltering liberal.  The National Federation of Independent Business (NFIB), the only private group to join the 26 states in the lawsuit, cheered the decision.  "Small business owners across the country have been vindicated by the 11th Circuit's ruling that the individual mandate in the healthcare law is unconstitutional," said Karen Harned, executive director of the group's legal center.  "The court reaffirmed what small businesses already knew - there are limits to Congress's power; and the individual mandate which compels every American to buy health insurance or pay a fine is a bridge to far," she said.  

 The Associated Press contributed to this report.

Commentary:  There are a lot of variables involved with this new health care bill.  When our laws state that no one can force an individual to accept medical treatment, unless you are mentally compromised, how is it that legislators believe all people should be forced to buy health insurance? There are some people in the world who would rather lay down and die in peace as to go to a doctor, plain and simple fact.  I know a lot of people disagree with that, because most of the population depends on doctors to make them well if they fall sick, but most doesn't equal everyone.  The bottom line is, if we still live in a "free" country, people should have the right to make that choice.  I anticipate we will see whether or not we still live in a free society sometime soon.  We are living in the last generation before the Lord returns; this is a Biblical fact.  "When you see Jerusalem compassed with armies, know that the desolation is near" Luke 21:20.  Jesus spoke these words to the disciples, when they asked Him when He would return.  The "Arab Spring" nations are preparing themselves for a battle to take Jerusalem now.  When the Muslim Mahdi (messiah) returns, they believe he will rule from Jerusalem, so they are making plans to take it and destroy the very name of Israel (  Jesus also said, "This gospel of the kingdom will be preached to all nations, then the end will come" Matthew 24:14.  Now with computers and satellite TV, this gospel is being preached in every nation.  That point being made, finally, the Antichrist will introduce a "mark" which everyone will be required to take, or be beheaded, "He (Antichrist) cases all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand or in their foreheads" Revelation 13:16.  "...I saw the souls of them that were beheaded for the witness of Jesus and for the Word of God, who had not worshipped the beast, or his image, neither received his mark in their foreheads or in their hands..." Revelation 20:4.  With the health care bill, under the veil of "security," everyone will be required to have a microchip (RFID) implanted, which is said to contain medical records, but which will also have access to the individual's bank account for pertinent fees involved with healthcare.  These are written right into the health care bill; I read them myself.  There are over 2,000 pages in HR3200.  You can read it on the internet and you can use the (cont-F) command to find "implantable device" and "bank account" to see for yourself.  It is countdown time; are you ready to stand before God?  If not, I would like to invite you to the How Can I Be Saved page of this website.  God bless you.