Photo credit: Flickr - Francisco Diez


Excerpts taken from The Washington Free Beacon.

Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of America (IAVA) planted 1,892 US flags at the National Mall in Washington, DC, on Thursday to honor veterans who had killed themselves this year alone, since January 1st, which is an average of 22 per day.

Retired Lt Col Dar Place said, “I know there’s a lot of folks out there that might think that suicide is a scapegoat, it’s an escape and you’re quitting, but when you’re a young person and you’ve seen the things that we’ve seen, you’ve had to do some of the things that we’ve had to do, it can wear on you.”

I can visualize what this veteran is saying. Our young men have practically seen it all; they have risked their lives and many of them have suffered life-crushing, debilitating injuries, like losing arms and legs, etc. While they have been in the midst of mayhem and they have had to cohabitate for a time with the perpetrators of the mayhem, at the same time they have been instructed to put gloves on and handle very carefully, respectfully and delicately the Qu’ran, while stationed in Iraq and Afghanistan; yet Bibles were confiscated by Obama’s military officials there and BURNED!

In the meantime, it probably didn’t escape their ears that Obama was traveling all over the US and the Middle East, giving speeches on how wonderful Muslims are and the “contributions they have made to society.” I’m still wondering what contributions, other than 3,000+ incinerated Americans on 9/11, and a whole lot of other death and destruction.

Our veterans may have also been aware of Obama’s $3 billion US contribution to Arab Spring (Muslim) nations, headed by the Muslim Brotherhood terrorist organization.

It couldn’t have possibly escaped their ears that Obama gave $770 million US dollars to refurbish Muslim mosques in the Middle East, while they were losing life and limb fighting Muslims in Iraq and Afghanistan!

Many of our US troops returned home without some of their body parts, only then to learn of Obama’s campaign to cut military benefits! What a filthy, dastardly kick in the face!

Veteran suicides mounting to an average of 22 per day. Is there any wonder?!

I can visualize Barack Hussein Obama burning in the pit of hell fire for what he has done against God, and for the insidious things he has done against our nation and troops, unless he repents.

Since Barack Obama, as Chicago’s Senator, vetoed bills to end the suffering of newborn babies who survive botched abortions – not once – not twice – but THREE TIMES, it appears he is reprobate and without a conscience altogether!

We need to pray for this nation, folks. Not only are we living in the last days, in perilous times, but we have a demon from hell living in the man in the White House - and - he is a Muslim - and - he hates everything America stands for: our freedom, the US Constitution, capitalism, one nation under God...everything we hold dear.

The Word of God says about the antichrist,

“He shall enter peaceably, even upon the fattest places of the province (rich land, like the US), and he shall do that which his fathers have not done, nor his fathers’ fathers (he is the first black president); he shall scatter among them the prey, spoil and riches (he has scattered US riches throughout the Middle East, leaving us with a $17 trillion national debt), yes, and he shall forecast his devices against the strong holds (the captain of drones), even for a time” Daniel 11:24

It has been Barack Obama’s primary goal, since he stepped into the White House, to forge a "peace" treaty between the Palestinians and Israel, to Israel’s risk and certain demise. He hasn’t accomplished that, thank God, but he has “spoiled” the United States like no one ever has, except for the megabanksters (his friends and cohorts) during the Great Depression, and he has given billions to Muslims throughout the Middle East.

“And the king (president/leader) shall do according to his will (Obama signs illegal/unconstitutional executive orders and goes to war without Congressional approval) and he shall exalt himself and magnify himself above every god (he announced he wasn't "born in a manger," alluding to his messianic prowess), and shall speak marvelous things against the God of gods (see video), and shall prosper till the indignation be accomplished (until the tribulation ends), for that which is determined shall be done” Daniel 11:36.

Barack Obama, as Senator of Chicago, made fun of the Word of God, calling Jesus’s Sermon on the Mount “radical,” during his speech on June 28, 2006. He says he is a “Christian,” but his allegiance is to Muslims, who greatly oppose Christianity.

I’m not saying Obama is the antichrist, but if he isn’t, he has the “spirit of antichrist,” which was also prominent during the time of the apostles and throughout history (1 John 4:3).

The prophetic signs are all around us, friends; we are living in the last days.

Are you prepared to stand before God and give an account of the life you have lived on this earth? If not, salvation is only a prayer away. Please visit the How Can I Be Saved page of this website. Your eternal destiny depends on it. God bless you.