Excerpts taken from

An internal document from the US Department of Veterans Affairs revealed that at least 82 veterans are dying, or have died already, because of delays in medical screenings and treatment.

Barry Coates was suffering from bleeding and excruciating pain for months, begging for an appointment for a colonoscopy, but he was told, basically, that he would have to wait in line.

Finally, about a year after first complaining to his doctors of the pain, Coates got a colonoscopy and doctors discovered a cancerous tumor the size of a baseball, reported CNN.

Coates, who is 44-years-old, is now undergoing chemotherapy in an effort to save his life.

During a press conference Friday, the Obama administration spokesman Jay Carney said there was “just a suggestion” of scandal at Veterans Affairs.

Shortly after the briefing, VA Under Secretary for Health, Dr. Robert Petzel, who testified before Congress on Thursday about employees “cooking the books,” resigned.

Put this together with the concerted efforts of cohorts to knock off Navy Seal Team 6, the highest number of troop casualties since the Iraq war started, cuts in military benefits, the slaughter of US Ambassador to Libya Chris Stevens, as Obama issued “stand down” orders, leaving him and three others to die a gruesome death while fighting for their lives for more than six hours – waiting for help, which under Obama’s command would never come, and it all boils down to a traitor in the White House.

Don't forget about this article too soon, since you may be the one waiting in line next! Every Socialist-Marxist-Communist nation, whose government institutes socialist healthcare, has citizens dropping dead left and right waiting to be seen by doctors.

The United States and the world are in a heap of trouble, and things are only going to get worse - much worse. Those who have all the money and the power are backing this, as Congressman Allen West describes him (who is also black, by the way), "third world dictator!"

The honorable and moral blacks in our nation don't hesitate to describe Barack Hussein Obama for what he is. It 's only radicals, who also have inferiority complexes about their race, who feel compelled to promote this devil, even though he is bent on destroying our free nation. 

If you are black and you have a protective attitude about your race, maybe rightly so, you need to open your eyes just the same to the truth about why the Illuminati put Obama in office - face it - and stand up with the rest of us for our US Constitution and freedoms, which our forefathers spilled their blood for, black and white!

As far as I am concerned, blacks are my brothers and sisters, just as whites, or any other race for that matter. We all need to recognize Socialist-Marxist tyrants no matter what color they are.

Hundreds of Bible prophecies have been fulfilled and those remaining will shortly come to pass. The Word of God tells us that in the last days, a world dictator will arise, along with a false prophet, who will demand a global monetary system and religion.

“He causes all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads, that no man might buy or sell, save he who had the mark, the name of the beast, or the number of his name. Here is wisdom. Let him who has understanding count the number of the beast, for it is the number of a man, and his number is six hundred, sixty-six” Revelation 13:16-18.

The number of the antichrist is 666. This number, by the way, is a “holy” number to Muslims.

I believe this may also be a good time to remind us that Barack Hussein Obama is definitely a Muslim. He wears a gold ring on his wedding finger inscribed, “There is no god but Allah” in Arabic; and he continues to roll out billions in US dollars, hand over fist, to Muslim nations and terrorist organizations, while US citizens lose their jobs, health insurance and their homes - way too many languishing in tent cities!

Obama has openly stated in his books Dreams from My Father and Audacity of Hope that he hates capitalism, the American institution, so he is just "spreading the wealth" - spreading US dollars out of our hands and into the hands of his Muslim cronies!

Yes, America is in a heap of trouble. You would think that someone in Congress could get an Impeachment Article through in six years! 

Obama is Kenyan and he is not eligible to be our president. He is a rogue president and, according to his own writings, he does not believe in our US Constitution, nor does he abide by our laws. He breaks the law and should be arrested for treason. 

Henry Kissinger, former US Secretary of State, said Barack Obama has created the perfect setting to create a "New World Order." The Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrah Kahn said about Barack Hussein Obama, "The messiah is absolutely speaking." These two statements together point to the antichrist described in Revelation 13:16-18, as well as other Bible prophecies.

Have you noticed that numerous Representatives throughout the US with any moral conscience at all have either resigned, or been "voted" out of office? Some may realize through prophecy, or by the money power wielded behind Obama, that they are fighting a losing battle.  

We are rapidly heading toward the return of the Lord, according to Bible prophecy.

Are you prepared to stand before God and give an account of the life you have lived on this earth? If not, salvation is only a prayer away. Please visit the How Can I Be Saved page of this website. Your eternal destiny depends on it. God bless you.