Seattle:  An eight-year old girl was shot in the stomach by another 3rd grade student and was in critical condition on Wednesday.  One of her classmates is being held in the shooting that occurred at Armin Jahr Elementary School near Seattle.  The third-grader underwent emergency surgery Wednesday afternoon, and police said a third-grade boy is being questioned in the shooting.  The boy apparently shot the girl and a gun was found in a classroom, but the police have provided no further details, reported 

School shooting statistics in the US are staggering.  There were 9 incidents and 14 deaths in the 1980s; 30 incidents and 64 deaths in the 1990s; and 70 incidents and 120 deaths in the 2000s - to date (source:  The Bible says, "Know this, that in the last days perilous times will come" 2 Timothy 3:1. 

I home schooled my son in the 1980s because I didn't believe schools were safe at that time.  I also didn't agree with the fact that schools were still instructing children that we evolved from monkeys.  This is not only contrary to the Word of God, but evolution is a mathematical impossibility, according to renowned mathematicians (source:  Finally, but most importantly, I didn't want agnostics or atheists teaching my child all day; God has given that responsibility to the parents, according to the Bible (Deuteronomy 11:18-19).  Now, we are living in the last days, before the return of Christ, and it is particularly dangerous to send your child to public school.  If you would like more information on home education, please visit the Home Education page of this website.  * Some people are single parents and it may not be possible to home educate, or send your child(ren) to Christian school.  God will certainly keep your children safe when you pray over them daily and follow-through at home.  If possible, it may be time to solicit the help of family or friends to facilitate home education.  When we pray and trust in Him, God will lead us and He will make a way.  God bless you.