Hundreds of thousands of teachers have lost their jobs in recent years.  Since the "end of the recession" three years ago, 300,000 educators have lost their jobs, 7,000 in the last month alone, according to a report the White House released Saturday.

I think now would be another prime moment to remind all of you that Obama sent $770 million in US tax dollars to refurbish Muslim mosques in the Middle East since his election, a-------nd, he pledged $3 billion dollars to the Arab Spring nations during the G8 Summit; yes to the (do I dare say it again?), yes, I will: head-chopping, stoning, honor killing, bomb wielding, plane hijacking, church burning, Christian incinerating (alive) Muslim terrorists!  Yes, America's teachers are laid off by the hundreds of thousands, yet our tax dollars are going to those who enjoy killing us!  Please don't misunderstand me.  I don't hate Muslims, I despise what they do in the name of Allah.  Make no mistake about it, according to their faith, they will ultimately convert us, or kills us - this is their faith.  Nevertheless, Muslims who convert to Christianity are wonderful people and they demonstrate the love of God toward others. 

Actually, many of you don't know it yet, but your children are much better off.  With Obama's appointment of Kevin Jennings to head the Office of Safe and Drug Free Schools czar, and since Planned Parenthood has been in charge of sex education in the public schools, your small children are receiving an X rated education.  Yes, it's that bad!

This agenda falls right in line with the elitists' New World Order, and their plans to depopulate the world.  What better way than to promote homosexuality (no procreation) and abortions, which is the "life's blood" of Planned Parenthood.

Kevin Jennings, Obama's "safe schools czar," founded the Gay, Lesbian, and Straight Education Network (GLSEN), which now has over 40 chapters at public schools nationwide, promoting homosexuality in the schools.  He has also published six books on gay rights and education, including one that describes his own experiences as a closeted gay student.  He also spoke on one occasion about having counseled a 15-year-old student, who confided in him that he met an older man in the bathroom of a bus station and went home with him.  Jennings said he told the boy he hoped they used a condom!  He never even reported the molestation to the proper authorities.  This is the man Obama selected to head "safe schools," which reminds me of the "fox watching the hen house."  The appointment is horrendous and you can read more about it at this Fox News link:   

Are you ready to home educate your children yet?  For more information on how to get your children away from public schools and under the safe haven of your own tutelage, please visit the Home Education page of this website.

The Bible says, "Because that when they knew God, they glorified Him not as God, neither were they thankful, but became vain in their imaginations and their foolish heart was darkened. 
Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools...Therefore God also gave them up to uncleanness through the lusts of their own hearts, to dishonor their own bodies between themselves...For this reason, God gave them up unto vile affections, for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature; and likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is grossly improper, and receiving in themselves the reward of their error, which was just" Romans 1:21,22,24,26,27. 

God loves homosexuals and His Son Jesus died for their sins, as well as mine.  Homosexuality is a progressive lifestyle, which starts with lustful thoughts, according to God's Word (Romans 1:21), then progresses to turning reprobate (without conscience, without hope, Romans 1:28), if left unrepented.  If you have been deceived into this lifestyle, won't you receive Jesus as your Savior and turn away from it before it destroys you?  God can and will deliver you from this lifestyle, if you want salvation and deliverance.  He has done it for many others in this world.  If you receive Him, He will provide the strength and the way out.  For more information on God's plan of salvation for your life, please visit the How Can I Be Saved page of this website.  God bless you.