Last night, as I was finishing up very late, I was almost nodding off, when suddenly I heard a voice that said, "January 2, 2013."  I was a bit perplexed, but I know when the Lord is speaking to me.  I was wide awake after that. 

Since I didn't receive anything other than the date, I figured there might already be something on the internet about that date, so I searched, "What will happen on 1/2/13?"  Odd date that it was, I felt certain in my spirit that something would come up that I needed to know about.

Sure enough, I came to an article posted by, entitled "Economic Collapse Could Begin January 2, 2013."  I thought this is so odd; "Why 1/2/13, versus any other day of the month?"  I read on.

I will summarize what I found: 

Automatic budget cuts in federal spending may result in the loss of over 2 million jobs, ranging from teachers to border security. 

A study predicting this was conducted by Aerospace Industries Association.  ACROSS THE BOARD REDUCTIONS ARE SLATED TO BE ENACTED ON JANUARY 2, 2013.  The budget cuts will reduce gross domestic product by as much as $215 BILLION in 2013.  We are headed for a colossal economic landslide that not a lot of people are anticipating. 


THE MILITARY ALONE WILL FACE REDUCTIONS OF $490 BILLION, or more, during the next ten years, reported 

It appears that, win or lose, Obama shot a fatal blow to our nation's economy during the last four years, which he fully intended to do - no secret, because it is part of his Socialist-Marxist ideology; he hates colonialism and the wealth of this great nation.  His goal has been to bring America down, equal with the rest of the world, and he even spells it out in his own book, "Dreams From My Father." 

Obama isn't alone, this has been the plan laid out by world bankers, the Bilderbergs, and the collective work of the United Nations, Trilateral Commission, the Club of Rome, European Union, the Word Trade Organization, aaaaand, I don't believe I have left anybody out.  These bankers and governing organizations are working together to establish a New World Order, and do it they will, with a dictator at the helm, according to Bible prophecy (Daniel & Revelation).

American citizens, please brace yourselves; because while the "fat bureaucrats" and world bankers are wining and dining - really big - on your interest (usury) and your hard earned tax dollars, we are in for a heap of trouble. 

Television moguls and mainstream news outlets, owned by the very elite that are behind the meltdown, are coming up with "funny" programs, such as "Extreme Cheapskates" to soften the blow.  There's nothing funny about these programs at all.  I have seen videos on the internet showing a "millionaire digging for food in the trash," which you and I should know is absurd - not reality.  A poor person doesn't want to eat garbage, why should a very wealthy person want to eat what is most likely contaminated food?  This is propaganda, to literally show us how we can survive, as they pummel a financial death blow on our heads.  It might also be possible that they want us to really believe that they too, "millionaires will be digging through trash," so maybe, just maybe, we won't go crazy and go after them when we start getting very hungry.

They also televised a woman who washes her clothes while she showers (same water) and uses a water bottle instead of toilet paper - to save money.  This type of propaganda should tell us just how great a crisis they are about ready to unleash.  Yes, it is planned, just as the Great Depression was planned by bankers.   

Do you think news outlets and television moguls have suddenly come up with "funny" cheapskate programs and news articles just to entertain you?  It is no coincidence that they coming up with these outlandish programs, just as they are about ready to "drive the nail in our coffins" with a complete economic meltdown. 

The same crooks that charge you exorbitant interest rates, and the very government officials who are spending our your tax dollars wining and dining, are quickly coming up with a lot of ways and means for the rest of us to live like animals, while they continue to wrench and squeeze every penny out of us.  It's evil, it's disgusting.

Every government official should earn an average wage, given their training and expertise, and live like the rest of us do, unless they are independently wealthy.  They shouldn't be making six figure incomes annually, while the rest of us live on a penance comparatively, and because we are taxed to death and charged enough interest to buy things ten times over before the items are paid off.  The citizens of this nation need to wake up and see evil for what it is.  Government keeps getting bigger and bigger, while many Americans are losing their jobs, moving into tent cities and are paying through the nose to keep government officials and bankers on caviar. 

In spite of all that, there is hope for those who are trusting in God.  There is hope for the people of God, because the Word of God tells us that when these things begin to come to pass, our redemption is near (Luke 21:28).  The Bible says, "Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord, the people He chose for His inheritance" Psalms 33:12.  My hope isn't in this world, it is in the promised eternity to come, and that brings peace, a peace that can never be found in the world - because the world is a temporary setting. 

If you aren't saved, please visit the How Can I Be Saved page of this website.  Don't be stranded without hope when destruction comes.  Even if nothing would change in this world, we all still have to face God sooner or later.  Have you received the Lord's gift of eternal life and forgiveness through His Son Jesus?  Salvation is simple - it's only a prayer away.  God bless you.