Rabbi Yitzchak Kaduri

The Archangel Gabriel told the Prophet Daniel exactly how much time it would take for the Messiah to appear,

"Know therefore and understand, that from the going forth of the commandment to restore and rebuild Jerusalem unto Messiah the Prince shall be seven weeks (49 years) and threescore and two weeks (434 years, a total of 483 years): the street shall be built again and the wall, even in troublous times" Daniel 9:25.

This is one of the most profound prophecies in the Bible. You can literally count the number of days from the commandment of Artaxerxes, allowing the Jewish captives to return to Jerusalem and rebuild the city (1 Nisan 445 BC - March 14, 445 BC) to the Triumphal Entry of Jesus, King of the Jews, into Jerusalem (Messiah the Prince, Meshiach Nagid in Hebrew, meaning Messiah the King [10 Nisan 32 AD - April 6, 32 AD]), which is 173,880 days.

If you count the number of days within 483 years, as Gabriel told Daniel the timeframe would be, on a lunar (Hebrew) calendar, the total is exactly 173,880 days! No one else but Jesus (Yehoshua in Hebrew) can fulfill this prophecy on that exact timeline!

Gabriel told Daniel that the street and the wall would be built in "troublous times." In fact, when Nehemiah commenced the restoration of Jerusalem, he wrote that they received such opposition from the Ammonites and the Arabs that they had to do the work with one hand and hold a weapon in the other hand (Nehemiah 4:17).

Gabriel also told the Prophet Daniel, "After threescore and two weeks (62 weeks [x7] = 434 years), "Messiah shall be cut off, but not for himself; and the people of the prince that shall come shall destroy the city and the sanctuary..." (Daniel 9:26). Jesus (Yehoshua) was crucified, as the sacrificial Lamb, to take away the sins of the world (John 1:29) on the day of Passover, no less (14 Nisan 32 AD)! The city and the Temple were destroyed in 70 AD, after Jesus was crucified, just as Gabriel told Daniel it would happen.

This prophecy should be a clear sign to all Jews that Jesus is the Messiah, because only Jesus fulfills Daniel's prophecy, as given to him by Gabriel. The Tanakh (Hebrew Bible) demands that Jesus was the Messiah. Isaiah had even written that the Messiah would be rejected and suffer for the sins of the people (Isaiah 53:5).

Every detail of the events Gabriel explained to Daniel have been fulfilled precisely, except for the 70th week (Daniel 9:24), which is yet to be fulfilled during the great tribulation just ahead, also known as "Jacob's trouble" (Jeremiah 30:7). Gabriel told Daniel concerning the 70th week,

"And he (antichrist) shall confirm the covenant with many for one week, and in the midst of the week, he shall cause the sacrifice and oblation to cease..." Daniel 9:27.

There are also references made to the antichrist breaking such a seven-year peace covenant in the midst of a "week," a time period of "forty two months" in John's Revelation 11:2; 13:5. John's revelation, recorded in the Book of Revelation, is actually the conclusion of Daniel's 70 weeks prophecy, recorded in Daniel 9. Gabriel told Daniel to seal up the prophecy, until the time of the end,

"But you, O Daniel, shut up the words and seal the book, even to the time of the end; many shall run to and fro and knowledge shall be increased" Daniel 12:4.

The prophecy was sealed, until John's Revelation, and much from these prophetic writings are still being revealed today, because "knowledge shall be increased," as we draw nearer to the end of days.

The late Rabbi Yitzchak Kaduri was born in 1898 in Baghdad. He was a Sephardic Orthodox rabbi, a popular Mizrahi rabbi and kabbalist, who devoted his life to the study of the Torah and prayer for the Jewish people. He truly was a Torah prodigy.

Rabbi Kaduri moved to Israel in 1922. His life was filled with poverty, he was a private man and secretive. He fulfilled his lot between the Mincha (afternoon) and Maariv (evening) prayers at his Jerusalem yeshiva. He issued the following call:

“This declaration I find fitting to issue for all the Jews of the world to hear. It is incumbent upon them to return to the Land of Israel due to terrible natural disasters which threaten the world. I am ordering the publication of this declaration as a warning, so that Jews in the countries of the world will be aware of the impending danger and will come to the Land of Israel for the building of the Temple and revelation of our righteous Mashiach (Messiah).”

I have often thought about how disasters hit various parts of the world today, earthquakes, tornadoes, typhoons, floods, hurricanes; yet none of these disasters, with the exception of a rare (small) earthquake, ever afflict Israel!

Rabbi Kaduri wrote numerous works, but did not publish them. In fact, he limited dissemination of his work only to those whose lives were also given to God’s work and intense study of the Torah. Rabbi Kaduri was very popular and held in high esteem in the Jewish communities throughout Israel and the world.

A profound event occurred toward the end of Rabbi Kaduri’s life; he had an encounter with the Messiah.

During a meeting in 1990 with Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson, the Rebbe of Lubavitch, many words of blessing were spoken to Rabbi Kaduri. Among the words spoken by the Rebbe of Lubavitch was the blessing that Kaduri would not pass from this world until he met the Messiah!

This, in fact, occurred in a vision on 9 Chesvan 5764 (November 4, 2003). Rabbi Kaduri spoke with the Messiah during this encounter and the Messiah revealed His name to him. Rabbi Kaduri later told his students that the name of the Messiah was hidden among his writings. He had given his students a sealed note with instructions that it was not to be opened until one year after his passing.

Rabbi Kaduri passed on to be with our Lord on January 28, 2006. He was 108 years old. A year after his passing, his students opened the note and discovered the name of the Messiah, “Yehoshua.” Yehoshua is the Hebrew name of the Aramaic Yeshua, the English Jesus. Yehoshua means, “Yahweh is Salvation!” 

Here is the English translation of Rabbi Kaduri's note, provided by a Jewish Orthodox rabbi:

“Regarding the acronym of Moshiach, the masses will themselves arise and verify that His words and His teachings can stand. With my signature in the Month of Mercy (Elul – Edit.) 5765, Yitzchak Kaduri.

There is a hidden message in this statement by way of an “acronym.” The first letter of each Hebrew word in Kaduri’s note spell “Y-E-H-O-S-H-U-A.”

There is no doubt in my mind that Rabbi Kaduri wrote this message in code, because of the uproar that would occur within the Jewish community and the venom that would spew from unbelievers, had he spelled the Messiah’s name outright. The ongoing debate of interpretation actually prevents the Orthodox Jews, who refuse to believe, from raging and castigating the name of not only Rabbi Kaduri, but also Rabbi Schneerson. How astute of him.

Yehoshua spoke in parables, so the damned wouldn’t receive His messages. He only revealed the meaning of His parables to His disciples in private (Matthew 13:10-11).

In the same manner, Rabbi Kaduri, who was also very private, gave this awesome revelation only to those who served God with their whole heart and who would be willing to receive the truth.

The Archangel Gabriel gave the same type of veiled message to the Prophet Daniel, when he revealed to Daniel the exact number of years before the Messiah would come,

“Seventy weeks are determined upon thy people and upon the holy city, to finish the transgression and to make an end of sins, and to make reconciliation for iniquity and to bring everlasting righteousness and to seal up the vision and prophecy and to anoint the most Holy” Daniel 9:24.

A “week,” as we know from other areas of the Hebrew text, did not mean a literal week, it meant seven years. We see this reference when Laban offered the hand of Rachel to Jacob for another seven years of service,

“Fulfill her week and we will give you this also for the service which you shall serve me yet seven other years Genesis 29:27.

Rabbi Kaduri was of such reputation that more than two hundred thousand people attended his funeral procession on the streets of Jerusalem. Would a man of such reputation fail God in the very last days of his life and beguile the hundreds of thousands who respected him?

Rabbi Kaduri was righteous, he walked in holiness before God, he served God tirelessly from his early youth and he left this world at the ripe old age of 108. He had length of days because he was beloved and God blessed him greatly. God rewarded him for his dedicated service by appearing to him and revealing to him who the Messiah is.

Just as God mysteriously revealed to Daniel the fulfillment of the 70 prophetic weeks through signs, and just as Jesus spoke revelations by parables, Rabbi Kaduri revealed who the Messiah was by acronym: “Y-E-H-O-S-H-U-A!” 

Rabbi Kaduri also revealed before his passing that the Messiah told him He would return soon after Ariel Sharon dies.

Ariel Sharon is alive, but has been in a permanent vegetative state since suffering a severe stroke on January 4, 2006, actually the same month and year Rabbi Kaduri passed on. He is 85 years old, born on February 26, 1928, and has already been in a coma for seven years. How much longer do you believe he will live under these circumstances?

If you don’t wish to believe in the revelations given to this blessed rabbi, you could miss out on the “catching up” (1 Thessalonians 4:16-18) of the saints of God, before "Jacob’s trouble" begins, and you also risk missing out on heaven for eternity, not having believed in Yehoshua, the Messiah.

All of the prophecies concerning the coming Messiah (detailed on the For Jews page) have been fulfilled in Yehoshua, how can there be any doubt?

Are you prepared to stand before God and give an account of the life you have lived on this earth? If not, please visit the How Can I Be Saved page of this website. Your eternal destiny depends on it. God bless you.