Opting for Truth or Whitewashed Crypts?
Posted by L A on Friday, March 15, 2013 Under: False Prophets
I was touched by an article I read this morning, written in Our Daily Bread, by Joe Stowell with RBC Ministries. The name of the article was "Getting It Right On the Inside." I feel inspired to share it:
"I love the story of Jonah! It's full of drama and important life lessons. After stubbornly refusing to do God's will, Jonah finally preached a revival service in Nineveh that would have made him one of the most successful missionaries of his time. When the people repented and turned from their wicked ways - and when God relented and turned from His anger against them - you would have expected Jonah to rejoice. Instead, he was angry that God was merciful. Why? Although he was finally obeying God by doing the right thing in the right place, he was deeply flawed on the inside. Like Jonah, if we are not careful, we can be spiritually 'looking good on the outside,' but far from God in our hearts. His Word is 'sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even to the division of soul and spirit' Hebrews 4:12. With it (the Word of God), He performs divine surgery to remove the greed, dishonesty, hatred, pride and selfishness that live in the deep shadows of our hearts. So, the next time the Holy Spirit convicts you and asks you about your bad attitude (see Jonah 4:4) - listen carefully. Surrender and let Him change you from the inside out." - Joe Stowell
This exhortation reminds me of some people who become very angry when you tell them the gospel truth, the Word of God. Sometimes, people become angry with you when you share the Word of God and explain what it means. A good example might be when you tell someone what the Bible says about adultery, providing the scriptural references to back it up and an explanation that we need to flee adultery and fornication (sexual relations between people who are not married), or the sin of homosexuality.
People don't realize it, but they aren't really angry with the messenger, but they are actually angry with God Almighty, who is the originator of the message. The truth is the truth, the Word of God is the Word of God, and if you find yourself getting angry with it, beware, because God is watching and listening. God will have the last word! It is wise to humble one's self before God and not dare rail against Him or His Word.
Christians, if not prayerful, can end up in a bad way on the inside. Jonah was a prophet sent by God to preach to very wicked people in the city of Nineveh. After running from God, because he hated the people of Nineveh so much, and being swallowed by a whale, then after three days being vomited up onto the shore, Jonah went and preached God's message in Nineveh. He warned them to repent, or they would be destroyed within 40 days. When the people feared God and repented, because of the message Jonah preached, Jonah was angry because he hated the wickedness of the people and rather wanted God to destroy them, not forgive them.
If you find yourself getting angry at a messenger who preaches the Word of God, don't for one moment believe you are angry at the messenger, if what is being preached is written in the Word of God.
There are great numbers of people fleeing from the truth of God today. If you don't believe that, just look at the attendance of Joel Osteen's church, 40,000+ members! The reason he has such a big church is because he doesn't preach the entire Word of God from his stage, only part of it. When it comes to preaching against sin, lying, cheating, stealing, committing adultery, fornication, homosexuality, drunkeness, any sin - you name it - you won't hear it from the mouth of Joel Osteen. His excuse is that he "doesn't judge others." He is confused about "judgment," versus preaching the gospel, according to the Word of God. When a minister of God preaches truth from the pulpit, he isn't judging people, only God does that; he is just the messenger of God. There are plenty of other "ministers" who do the same to build up membership (and offerings) in their churches today.
There are those of us, on the other hand, who have been called to share the truth of God from His holy Word and, regardless of the cost, that is what we will do.
Jesus said to the scribes and Pharisees, the hypocritical religious leaders of His day, "Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! You are like whited sepulchers, which indeed appear beautiful outwardly, but are full of dead men's bones and of all uncleanness within" Matthew 23:27.
It is important that we all conform to the holy Word of God and that our own desires and opinions do not conflict with His Word. This is the only way we can enter the kingdom of God, by laying ourselves open for correction and instruction, according to God's Holy Word. God bless you with truth.
In : False Prophets
Tags: "preaching truth" "false teachers"