Watch the video at this link: News Videos  Last December, Russian Astronomer Leonid Elenin discovered a previously unknown comet.  This comet has been named C/2010X1, or more commonly referred to as Comet Elenin.  The discovery of this comet is exciting, yet unsettling at the same time.  Exciting in the fact that there are many, many bodies in the solar system that we have yet to discover, unsettling in the fact that it was just a few short months ago.  The current project path puts Comet Elenin at within .24 Au (Astronomical Units - distance of the Earth to the Sun is 1 Au) of Earth.  In comparison, the Hale-Bopp Comet of 1997 closest pass to the Earth was 1.315 Au.  Needless to say, this should be a very bright comet in the night sky.  Why hasn't the media reported much about Comet Elenin?  The media has always published large news articles about found comets.  Is it because Elenin is going to be coming a little too close for comfort and they don't want to incite panic?  The fact of the matter is, Comet Elenin may hit the Earth.  I am not trying to be an alarmist, but the possibility exists.  The orbit of Elenin seems to be changing weekly.  As it passes through the asteroid belts and such, it's possible that it could contact another body in space and change its orbit.  When Elenin was first discovered, initially predictions had it passing about 8.8 Au from the Earth.  These first calculations have changed immensely.  Today the orbit calculations have Elenin coming as close as .24 to .15 Au from Earth.  That is a major difference and one of the reasons why I believe the media has kept relatively quiet about it.  To put it in a little perspective, the moon is only .0026  Au from Earth.  As I mentioned before, the data is being recalculated daily to predict exactly how close Elenin will come.  Elenin will pass through the Main Asteroid Belt and runs the risk of contacting an asteroid and changing direction.  Even a subtle shift could spell disaster for Earth.  The next thing we need to be aware of is the debris left behind by Elenin.  Earth WILL pass through this debris tail by current calculations.  It should occur around November 6, 2011.  This should bring quite the light show in the night sky.  Take a look at these dates to gauge when Elenin will be most visible to us:  3/15/11 alignment - sun earth comet (2.099 Au); 9/11/11 perihelion - visible with naked eye; 9/26/11 alignment - sun comet earth (.392 Au) possible tail interaction; 10/16/11 closest (.24 Au); 11/6/11 debris field; 11/22/11 alignment - sun earth comet (.586 Au); 4/21/12 debris field; 12/25/12 alignment - sun earth comet (5.242 Au).  It has been calculated that Elenin's orbit around the sun and back is about 10,000 years.  Kind of brings to mind the orbit of another celestial body that is talked about in many circles, Planet X, or Nibiru.  Could the tales of Nibiru been related to the last time that Elenin passed by Earth?  I have heard from many that claim that Comet Elenin is just a cover up for Nibiru.  To focus our attention on a wondrous comet in our skies and make us less aware of the approaching brown dwarf planet with three moons known as Planet X, Nibiru.  The next effect I have heard about is Comet Elenin triggering the pole shift that has been spoken of.  The pole shift is when the Earth's magnetic poles move and switch.  Some believe this to be a process that will take about five years.  During those years, we may lose many plants and animals to solar radiation poisoning because of the weakening of the protective magnetic layer around Earth.  The other school of thought is that it will happen quickly, inside of a few days, and reestablish the magnetic protective layer around the Earth.  The drawback from this happening that quick is it could trigger many natural disasters from large earthquakes to volcanic eruptions and tsunamis.  The gravitational pulls of the comet will assist the Earth's magnetic poles to shift.  Whether we like it or not, Comet Elenin is going to pass by, or hit Earth.   

My Comments:  This comet, or possibly another, is bound to hit the Earth in the very near future, because the Bible predicts it: Revelation 8:10 "And the third angel sounded and there fell a great star from heaven, burning as it were a lamp, and it fell upon the third part of the rivers and upon the fountains of waters."  Isaiah 24:20 "The earth shall reel to and fro like a drunkard and shall be removed like a cottage, the transgression shall be heavy upon it and it shall fall and not rise again."