Updated 6/24/2013


Yahoo! News reporter Rachel Rose Hartman published an article on Friday that included Obama would not stop in Kenya, "the country of his birth," during his upcoming trip to Africa. (!!!)

The "Bilderberg media" has faithfully stayed away from the fact that Obama was born in Kenya for years, publishing confirming reports that he was "born in Hawaii" and blasting those who don't believe the lie as, "birthers."

WND reported that within 90 minutes of her story, Yahoo! posted the following: "Correction: An earlier version of this story incorrectly identified the president's birthplace."

Staunch Twitter supporters of the rogue president have accused Hartman of being a "birther," calling her a "racist" and demand her termination.

It is interesting that presidents are commonly scrutinized and criticized because of the high office they hold and the affects their decisions have on US citizens, yet, when someone criticizes this president, they are accused of being a racist. The Bilderbergs undoubtedly counted on that, many backing off simply because Obama is black.

WND's report publicized these reminders after the incident (excerpts):

* Before Obama was elected, it was fairly common to find references in the media about the former Illinois Senator as born in Kenya (emphasis added).

* In 2009, the Kenya government commissioned a cultural museum in Kenya to "honor the birthplace of President Obama."

* Even Obama's own literary agency billed him as "born in Kenya" as late as 2007 to promote the sale of his book, "Dreams from My Father." 

Maricopa Arizona County Sheriff Joe Arpaio assembled a special Cold Case Posse to look into the issue of the alleged birth certificate Obama displayed. After their investigation, Cold Case Posse Chief Mike Zullo announced their conclusion:

"At that time, we announced that we had concluded that there was probable cause that forgery and fraud had been committed in respect to two documents 1) the long-form or original birth certificate computer image presented by Mr. Obama, which contained multiple errors and anomalies, many of them serious and 2) the selective-service document for Mr. Obama, which contained a two-digit year stamp. This was contrary to specifications issued by federal regulations to the effect that the year of issue should be expressed as four digits on the stamp, and also contrary to any other selective-service registration document that we had been able to examine. Accordingly, Sheriff Arpaio continues to recommend that the Congress of the United States open an immediate investigation, including the appointment of a select committee, as regards to the authenticity of Mr. Obama's documentation, whether any crimes have been committed and to determine Mr. Obama's eligibility for the office of President of the United States."

Jesus said,

"There is nothing hid, which shall not be manifested, neither was anything kept secret, but that it should come abroad" Mark 4:22.

Legal action against Obama for this fraud against the American people is not likely to happen though, because many of the courts and legislators have already demonstrated their cowardice in the face of the powers that be, not Barack Obama, but the shadow government behind him.

A good example would be Judge Michael Malihi of Atlanta, GA, who ordered Barack Obama to appear on the charge that he was not eligible to fill the office of the President of the United States. At that hearing, White House attorneys argued that the president was just too busy with presidential responsibilities to appear on the dubious complaint. In response, Malihi dismissed the case. How ridiculous is that?

Right now, Edward Snowden, former NSA contractor, is fleeing for his safety against the pursuit of federal officials who are intent on bringing him before charges of espionage for releasing information about our corrupt government's activities.

There has never been a nation like the United States in recent history, founded on Godly principles, free and prosperous, but that's no longer the case. The stench of corruption is rampant and Obama, who represents the shadow government, is intent on reducing our prosperity and freedoms to equal that of other nations, which are ruled by dictators, thugs, Muslim terrorists, Fascists and the like, while the citizens of those nations languish. This is what their plans are for us, because we have been a nation of citizens too free and powerful to control. Control of the US and all nations is what they are after and they have to weaken the US in order to get it.

All of this is indicative that our planet is headed for a one world government, spoken of by the prophets, namely Daniel and John the Revelator (Daniel 2,7-9,11 and Revelation 13,17,19).

This president is not who many Americans believe him to be. He is not revealing his true agenda; he does not publicize his own ideology, which he actually spoke of during his college years. He has come into office "peaceably," but he has an entirely different agenda.

"He shall enter peaceably, even upon the fattest places of the province, and shall do that which his fathers have not done, nor his fathers' fathers; he shall scatter among them the prey, spoil and riches, yes, and he shall forecast his devices against strongholds, even for a time" Daniel 11:24.

The above passage in the book of Daniel was made in reference to the antichrist, although it could describe Barack Obama perfectly. America has been considered the "land of plenty" for centuries. Obama is looting the United States of hundreds of millions of dollars and spreading it throughout Muslim nations in the Middle East (scattering the prey) and his entire administration reeks of waste, like no other president before him. He is the first black president to take office in the United States, something (his fathers' fathers have never done). Drones used under his administration have literally changed the political course of the Middle East (his devices against strongholds).

I do not say that Barack Obama is the antichrist, yet, as we can see here, there are often plural meanings throughout the prophetic scriptures, such as the Passover = Jesus our Redeemer; Unleavened Bread = sanctification brought to man through Jesus's death; Firstfruits = Jesus the Firstfruits of the resurrection of the dead...

There have been many antichrist prototypes, Kim Il-Sung, Adolph Hitler, Jozef Stalin, Mao Zedong, and as mild-mannered as he appears to be, Barack Obama is one of them.

Barack Obama demonstrates the spirit of antichrist, which other world leaders will also display in some form or another in the last days. We need to be studious in the Word of God, watching and waiting.

Jesus said,

"Blessed are those servants, whom the Lord when He comes shall find watching. Verily I say unto you, that He shall gird Himself and make them to sit down to meat and will come forth and serve them" Luke 12:37.

Some believe this, that or the other thing has to happen before the Lord's return, which should cause His delay. The angel of the Lord told me, as I awoke on the morning of 11/27/11, "With the sleight of hand, the nations will be turned upside down." First, all prophecies which had to be fulfilled prior to the Lord's return have been fulfilled already. The Lord could return at any time. Second, the Lord has already revealed to me that destruction will come upon earth very suddenly and without warning.

Are you prepared to stand before God and give an account of the life you have lived here on earth? If not, please visit the How Can I Be Saved page of this website. Your eternal destiny depends on it. God bless you.