This directive to God's people, "...Go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature" Mark 16:15, may seem difficult, since there are so many people today who are opposed to Christianity and the message of Jesus Christ.  It is hard for me, especially since my only child, Levi, passed on to be with the Lord about two years ago.  I have an aversion to going anywhere now; instead, I like to stay home and pray, study God's Word and work on the Prophetic Newsletter website.  The Lord is coming soon and Christians have a duty to zealously spread this gospel.  I only go into town twice a month though, once for groceries and once to the feed store for the horse.  I pray every morning, "Lord, let me be a soul winner."  I more recently included, "Lord, bring souls into my path that have a hunger for You."  Now this may sound ridiculous, since I only see people about twice a month, but we can never underestimate God's desire to answer such prayers.  I stock my purse with gospel pamphlets when I leave the house.  This month, believe it or not, I have been able to witness to 14 souls!  I stopped at a recycling center, which I didn't want to do, but the Lord impressed me to stop there and He assured me there would be someone there I should witness to.  I handed out five pamphlets at the recycling center and they gladly received them, some thanked me.  I witnessed to a man at the feed store and he smiled when I gave him a pamphlet.  He said, " I will read this."  When I went grocery shopping, I left with only one Spanish pamphlet.  I felt I should take more, but I didn't want to go back into the house and make copies, so I thought, "next time."  When I arrived at the mini-mall, I noticed a store that sold copies and I felt I should make a few copies, so I did.  After I left there, I was able to witness to a Spanish-speaking clerk in a discount store and I gave her a Spanish pamphlet.  Then, I went into the grocery store and gave one of the Spanish-speaking cashiers a pamphlet, knowing exactly why the Lord urged me to make additional copies.  I went into Kmart for a few items and while I was standing in the checkout line, a very kind elderly lady started a brief conversation with me, so I took the opportunity to witness to her.  She gladly received a pamphlet and she was so touched by it, she hugged me, while people were waiting in line behind us, and she said, "I can't live without the Lord."  She began to tell me her husband was very sick, so I told her I would pray for him and I took their names.  Since the cashier heard my testimony, I gave her a pamphlet and blessed her, and she gladly received it from me.  I went back to the grocery store, because I needed a few more items and met another lady in the checkout line.  She spoke to me first, so I took the opportunity to witness to her and I gave her a pamphlet too and blessed her, which she received kindly.  This doesn't have anything to do with me, only my surrender to the Lord.  I am an introverted person by nature.  My ability to witness is only a product of my surrender to God every morning and my daily prayers that He will use me for His purpose and that He will give me souls for Him.  My idea of "winning souls" is typing Christian articles on the website.  I am a loner.  This type of "street evangelism" is definitely "not me," yet, God is a prayer-answering God.  When you rarely go out of the house and you definitely don't want to talk to anyone when you do go out; if you surrender yourself to God for His purpose and pray to win souls, it is going to happen no matter who you are.  As you can see, God is placing souls all around me whose hearts are hungry for the Lord.  If you are reading this, but you haven't received the Lord, I beg you to accept Him into your life, before it is too late.  Two children that I know of, who have been resuscitated from near death experiences, have said they went to heaven, met Jesus and that "He said He is coming soon!"  One of these was not quite four years old and the other one was 12.  Their testimonies are profound for such young children.  Their parents have written books, one, "Heaven is for Real" and the other, "A Message from God."  The Lord is coming soon and the earth is demonstrating signs of His return.  We only have one opportunity to receive the Lord in this life, then after this life, we will face the judgment of God (Hebrews 9:27).  If you are saved, let us continue to focus on winning souls.  Jesus said to His disciples, "I will make you fishers of men" Mark 1:17.  The Bible also says, "...he who wins souls is wise" Proverbs 11:30.