1/27/17 PizzaGate Update
Screen shot: YouTube.com
PizzaGate continues to go viral throughout the internet and in addition to social media discussions about the topic, new websites are popping up about it, such as pizzagate.com.
It is obvious by reading the content of the websites, blogs, You Tube videos and such, that most people have a firm conviction about the implication of crimes being committed by those involved in the scandal, but others aren’t as well informed and aren’t quite so sure; while there are those closely connected to the Liberal Luciferians doing their best to debunk PizzaGate.
I don’t believe the latter are succeeding as quickly as those who are trying to inform and warn the public, thanks be to God.
The biggest problem in reaching the masses is mainstream media. The few elite owners of news media are said to be heavily involved in pedophilia, “young blood” to preserve their youth, the occult and depopulation. Those in control of news broadcasting are corrupt, and regardless of their fiendish preferences and fixations, and they are controlling what most people view.
My websites have been censored because of PizzaGate; David
Seaman’s You Tube videos have been demonetized and his Pay Pal account was frozen;
Reality Calls (Britt Pettybone) You Tube videos have been censored and her
account was later suspended; Reddit censored their users’ content, etc., all on
account of PizzaGate. I won’t even reiterate the many ways I have been targeted
and censored over the past six years.
Bloggers, You Tubers and users of other social media can write just about anything and get away with it; but write, or stream a video, about PizzaGate and you are likely going to get censored, or shut down for a time.
What does all of this tell us?
First, it tells us we are hitting a real nerve among the elite who have a lot of clout in this world.
Second, the news is said to be controlled by only six major media magnates, which demonstrates an awful lot of suggestive/manipulating power over the minds of American citizens by only a select few.
Adolf Hitler, who was successful in manipulating the population of Germany by propagandized media said, “If you tell a big enough lie and tell it frequently enough, it will be believed.” Hence, nearly the entire nation indulged in genocide; that is how powerful the media is.
If you frequently watch popular news, such as CNN, NBC, CBS,
BBC, etc.., you are being manipulated to believe what Luciferians want you to
believe. Fox News is included with the bunch, obviously after watching Megyn Kelly's interview with James Alefontis - the mega fake news coverup of the century!
Conservative and Christian news is becoming more popular, where folks can watch real news. Of course, it's always important to watch/read reputable news sources.
A very serious pedophile problem exists in Washington, DC; Chicago, IL, and in certain other areas throughout the nation and the world.
Citizen investigators have uncovered very incriminating evidence that pedophiles are operating throughout government agencies and the private sector, especially in Washington, Virginia, Chicago and Nebraska.
Disgusting crimes have been committed by Children’s Services Agencies,
even to the degree that children in foster care have been used as
guinea pigs in medical experiments. These facts have come forth in unclassified documents, crimes so outrageous, they can hardly be
believed, but they are documented and certified.
Since media moguls are cohesive in their crimes, publications from witnesses are generally quickly snuffed out, if not the very witnesses themselves.
Several reasons behind child abductions have been uncovered so far: pedophilia, child ritual abuse/satanic sacrifices, the blood of youth said to prevent aging in those who drink it, depopulation and scientific research.
Forensic evidence, medical science and credible eye witness testimonies exist for all of the above.
Screen shots: YouTube.com
Jesus said concerning the time of His return,
“As the days of Noah were, so shall also the coming of the Son of man be” Matthew 24:37.
What was happening in the days of Noah? According to Genesis 6, fallen angels (sons of God: original Hebrew to English transliteration - B’nai Ha Elohim) married the daughters of men. According to the Book of Enoch, these fallen angels were extremely wicked and they taught women how to abort their babies (Enoch 69:12), they devoured men’s flesh and drank their blood, akin to satanic ritual sacrifices today, committed bestiality (Enoch 7), which was also signed into law by Barack Obama, in the 2017 National Defense Authorization Act (Sect 1707, which repeals the offense of bestiality in the previous bill), and they manipulated the genetics of man and beast.
This is all outlined in the ancient Book of Enoch and we see exactly the same evils being perpetrated today, which is what Jesus alluded to, when He said, “As the days of Noah were...,” so shall it be when the Lord returns.
Hundreds of Bible prophecies have been fulfilled and those remaining shall surely come to pass. Are you prepared to stand before God and give an account of the life you have lived on this earth? If not, salvation is only a prayer away. Please visit the How Can I Be Saved page - your eternal destiny depends on it. God bless you.
In : Abominations
Tags: "pizzagate" "pizzagate update"