Brian Podesta shown here with his brother and Bill Clinton
Screen shot: YouTube.com https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cXI369ND3bg&sns=em
Yesterday, while writing an update on Pizzagate, I mentioned the phenomenal work that some of our citizen investigators do in behalf of the missing, molested AND KILLED, children.
Today, I came across this bit of very interesting information about John Podesta’s connection to the National Center for Missing & Exploited Children – thus perhaps more access to missing children, aside from James Alefontis and Comet Ping Pong pizza.
There is one Brian Podesta who works at the National Center for Missing & Exploited Children, with a Top Secret/Sensitive Compartmented Information (TC/SCI) security clearance, whose relationship to John Podesta appears to be close. Brian Podesta’s father, Don Podesta, has ties to none other than Bill Clinton. Brian Podesta is seen in a photo shown on the video (linked) above with Bill Clinton at the White House during the 90s, which was the same timeframe John Podesta worked as Clinton’s Chief of Staff.
Brian Podesta's name on a list of employees at the National Center for Missing & Exploited Children
Screen shot: YouTube.com
How likely is it that there is no relationship between John Podesta and Brian Podesta, while John Podesta is Chief of Staff at the White House, while Brian Podesta's photo is taken with Bill Clinton at the White House during the same timeframe?
Absolutely no one with any relationship whatsoever to John Podesta should be working at the National Center for Missing & Exploited Children with a TS/SCI security clearance!
While the emails, Instagrams, photos and what appears to be John Podesta heard in videos torturing children, all lead to very incriminating evidence that John Podesta is a sadistic pedophile, it is quite alarming to find that he has a relative working at the National Center for Missing & Exploited Children.
This type of relationship could lead to the cover up of recovered children, while they are perhaps led to their demise and into the hands of child abusers, molesters and killers, instead of back to their families.
We need to pray, saints. Let us continue to pray for these pitiful children who are abducted, abused, tortured and killed. There have been some arrests recently, but that only represents the tip of the iceberg.
Jesus said,
“It would be better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck and he cast into the sea, than he should offend one of these little ones” Luke 17:2.
Here is what is worse than being cast into the sea with a millstone hanged on your neck:
This is John and Tony Podesta’s and James Alefontis's destination, along with anyone
who aids and abets them. Those who torture and kill little children are reprobate and have crossed over a line (Romans 1:21-32).
In : Abominations
Tags: "pizzagate" "pizzagate update" "brian podesta"