Screen shot: YouTube.com
Woods is definitely not among the elite Luciferians all around him, so he has a heart. Let’s pray for his protection and salvation, if he isn’t already saved.
Here are some of James Woods's Tweets:
Screen shots: YouTube.com
If you aren’t aware of why Woods refers to John Podesta as “Skippy,” it is because Podesta has referred to himself as “Skippy,” when he is angry and acting like a degenerate dog. As he is reportedly heard beating a child on a (You Tube) video, he is also heard screaming, “What is my name...my other name,” until the child calls him “Skippy.”
YourNewsWire.com published an article about leaked information
from the FBI, stating that DC pedophiles will be arrested soon. Well, we have heard that for several weeks already, which causes me to wonder if there are pedophiles
within the FBI trying to pacify the public, or if maybe they are giving
their friends time to bury evidence, or even skip the country.
Any way you look at it, President Trump was right in saying he needs to “drain the swamp.” He just might be surrounded by so many swamp people in Washington, he doesn’t know where or how to begin.
Let’s continue to pray that President Trump can, one way or the other, drain the swamp of the DC pedophiles before many more children are TORTURED and SLAUGHTERED!
It is absolutely disgusting and inconceivable that tens of thousands of viewers are expressing their outrage on social media accounts regarding the mounting evidence circulating all over the internet about the molestation, torture and killing of little children, even a video of what sounds like John Podesta beating a child and screaming at that child to say his name, “Skippy,” which John Podesta has said publicly is the name of his sinister “alter ego,” but NO ONE can interrogate or arrest the guy? What a national disgrace! What an outrage – WHILE CHILDREN ARE SUFFERING TORTURE AND MURDER!
This is another sign of the Lord’s return.
Jesus said,
“Likewise also as it was in the days of Lot, they ate, drank, bought, sold, planted, built, but the same day that Lot went out of Sodom, it rained fire and brimstone from heaven and destroyed them all. Even thus shall it be in the day when the Son of man (Jesus) is revealed” Luke 17:28-30.
In Lot’s day, the people of Sodom were overtaken with homosexuality (sodomy – thus, the name of the city) and fornication, which is a prelude to and often goes along with pedophilia. When God sent two angels to deliver Lot from the gate of the city, Sodom was destroyed.
God isn’t going to wait much longer, folks, because the signs of Lot are here and the wickedness is great in our land, and throughout the world. As soon as the Lord gathers up His saints, the great tribulation will begin; just as fire and brimstone rained down on Sodom, as soon as Lot escaped the city.
Hundreds of Bible prophecies have been fulfilled and those remaining shall surely come to pass. Are you prepared to stand before God and give an account of the life you have lived on this earth? If not, salvation is only a prayer away. Please visit the How Can I Be Saved page - your eternal destiny depends on it. God bless you.
In : Abominations
Tags: "pizzagate update" "james woods" "pizzagate"