Earthquake location 16.879°S, 167.379°E


A major 6.1 magnitude earthquake hit the Vanuatu Islands on August 6, 2013, at 16:46:23 UTC, at a depth of 23 km, reported Geoscience Australia.

103 major (6.0+) earthquakes hit various places over the last 188 days. Among these were 13  7.0+ and 2  8.1+ magnitude quakes!
(Sources: CSEM-EMSC, Geoscience Australia, USGS.)

Jesus said,
"Great earthquakes shall be in diverse places, famines and pestilences and there shall be fearful sights and great signs from heaven" Luke 21:11. 

During the previous 32 months, there have been at least 322 major (6.0+) earthquakes reported on this site.    

Jesus said these signs would appear before He returns,
"Nation will rise against nation, kingdom against kingdom, and there will be famines, pestilences and earthquakes in diverse places" Matthew 24:7.

Jesus also said,
"Blessed are those servants whom the Master, when He comes, will find watching" Luke 12:37.

The Lord instructed us to watch, so we will not be caught unaware. 

Are you watching for the Lord's return?  Please don't neglect your eternal soul; know and secure your destiny.  If you aren't saved, I invite you to visit the How Can I Be Saved page of this website.  God bless you.